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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 12 PUBLIC WORKS <br />Chapter 5 Uniform Wastewater Discharge Regulations <br />(4) Division E. Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary <br />Services <br />(5) Division I. Services <br />(g) Industrial Wastes. The wastes from industrial processes. <br />(h) Institutional Users. Schools, hospitals, and government facilities. <br />(i) Flow. The volume of wastewater occurring over time. <br />(j) Lame User. An industrial user or anon-residential user discharging industrial quantities <br />of flow, BOD, and/or Suspended Solids as determined by the Manager. <br />(k) Manager. The San Leandro City Manager or designee. <br />(1) MGD. Million gallons per day. <br />(m) Multiple-Family Dwelling Unit. Any residential unit designed to house one family in a <br />building containing more than two such units, including triplexes, quadplexes, and <br />apartments. For the purpose of this Code, mobile homes located in a mobile home park <br />shall be considered multiple-family dwellings. <br />(n) Normal Work Days. Except as provided below, normal work days shall be defined as <br />the normal 5-day work week of Monday through Friday less holidays. For User's normal <br />work days to exceed 5 days a week, the flow from the sixth and/or seventh day must <br />approximate the average daily flow of the 5-day work week. <br /> <br /> <br />• ~ a c <br />~;a <br />ii„ ~ <br />+i. ~ ~, ~+r, ~, ono.-., „c <br />~,,.., u <br />~.,.., .,....,.., ~.. „ <br />~ <br />nr~ n,a ~„~~o„ao <br />.Y, ..~ ,,~..r..__~„~ ...,__~.,. <br />~ ~ u i n~ ~~, r .,a; rrt,o „i, „f ~„ ~nr~ ,,,a ~ ,~ o~aoa c„i;a~ a; ,.t,., oa <br />~P ~ , ~ z,u~~,~ ~~ ., rg <br />(qo) Residential Discharge Equivalency. A unit of discharge equal in volume and strength <br />to the design discharge of asingle-family dwelling unit, as determined in the most recent <br />biennial rate study. <br />Department Responsible for Revision: Public Works Chapter 12.5 <br />06/21/2010 Page 2 <br />