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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 12 PUBLIC WORKS <br />Chapter 5 Uniform Wastewater Discharge Regulations <br />enumerated. No plumbing permit shall be issued nor shall any connection be made to the <br />sanitary sewer system until the applicable connection fee has been paid. <br />(b) The connection fee for residential dwelling units shall be the appropriate unit cost as <br />listed in San Leandro Administrative Code §6.4.100. <br />The connection fee for converting an existing apartment building to condominium units <br />shall be as listed in San Leandro Administrative Code §6.4.100. Non-residential users <br />shall be assessed connection fees based on the estimated average day of their peak month <br />discharge according to the unit cost schedule as listed in San Leandro Administrative <br />Code §6.4.100, but in no case shall the fee for a new connection be less than the single- <br />family Residential discharge equivalency. <br />(c) A connection fee adjustment shall be made at the end of one year of service for all non- <br />residential users to reflect the actual wastewater discharge based on monitored <br />wastewater discharged or metered water usage adjusted for volume not discharged to the <br />sanitary sewer system. If the estimated wastewater discharge is low, an additional <br />connection fee shall be assessed. If the estimated wastewater discharge is high, the City <br />shall issue a refund to the user. <br />(d) The City reserves the right to make an additional connection fee assessment for an <br />existing sewer connection if the peak month flow or strength of discharge is increased <br />above that flow or strength upon which the original connection fee was based. <br />(e) Connection fee receipts shall be deposited into a separate reserve account to be used for <br />future treatment facility expansion projects, or if no future expansion is required, these <br />funds may be used to finance other treatment facility improvement projects or to retire <br />the General Fund Loan. <br />(f) Each sewer permit issued as herein provided, and the right to a sewer connection <br />pursuant to any such sewer permit so issued, shall run with the land, and shall not be <br />transferred to, or used for, any other property other than the property for which the sewer <br />permit was originally issued. <br />(g) All sewer rates, charges, and fees as herein provided shall be non-refundable. <br />(h) Reference is made to the City's "Procedures and Policies for Sewer Connection Fees" on <br />file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by this reference. <br />Department Responsible for Revision: Public Works Chapter 12.5 <br />06/21/2010 Page 6 <br />