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If the owner or the City desire in any year not to renew the agreement, the owner or the City <br />shall serve written notice of non-renewal of the agreement on the other party. Unless such <br />notice is served by the owners to the City at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual renewal <br />date, or served by the City to the owners at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual renewal <br />date, one (1) year shall be automatically added to the term of the agreement as provided herein. <br />The owners may make a written protest of the notice. The City may, at any time prior to the <br />annual renewal date of the agreement, withdraw its notice to the owners of nonrenewal. <br />If either the owner or the City serves notice to the other of nonrenewal in any year, the <br />agreement shall remain in effect for the balance of the term then remaining, either from its <br />original execution or from the last renewal of the agreement, whichever may apply. <br />4. Standards and Conditions for Historical Property. <br />During the term of this agreement, the property shall be subject to the following conditions, <br />requirements and restrictions: <br />A. The Owner shall preserve, maintain, and, where necessary, restore or rehabilitate the <br />property and its character-defining features. Attached hereto, marked as "Exhibit A", and <br />incorporated herein by this reference, is a list of those minimum standards and conditions <br />for maintenance, restoration, rehabilitation, use and preservation of the historic property, <br />which shall apply to such property throughout the term of this agreement. In addition, the <br />owner shall comply with the terms of the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance requiring the <br />owner to maintain the historic property in a good state of repair and shall obtain any <br />applicable permits to restore the property as necessary to maintain its historic and cultural <br />significance. <br />B. The condition of the exterior of the property, as of the effective date of this agreement, is <br />documented in photographs attached as "Exhibit B". At a minimum, the owner shall <br />continually maintain the exterior of the historic property in the same condition as <br />documented in Exhibit B. <br />C. All exterior changes shall comply with applicable City regulations and guidelines, including <br />the Historic Preservation Ordinance, and conform to the rules and regulations of the U.S. <br />Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Standards and Guidelines for <br />Historic Preservation Projects. <br />D. The owner shall obtain all required Library-Historical Commission and City Council <br />approvals and building permits prior to executing any exterior changes. <br />E. Owner shall maintain a view corridor enabling the general public to see the property from <br />the public right-of-way, and the owner shall place an historical marker approved by the City <br />documenting the site adjacent to the public right-of-way within two (2) years after the date of <br />this agreement. <br />F. The owner shall allow reasonable periodic examinations, by prior appointment, of the <br />character-defining features of the Property by representatives of the County Assessor, State <br />Department of Parks and Recreation, State Board of Equalization and the City, as may be <br />necessary to determine the owner's compliance with the terms and provisions of this <br />agreement. <br />Mifls Act Contract June 8, 2010 <br />857 Estudillo Avenue Page 2 of 5 <br />