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5. Compliance Determination. <br />The owner hereby agrees to furnish the City with any and all information requested by the City <br />which may be necessary or advisable to determine compliance with the terms and provisions of <br />this agreement. <br />s. Cancellation. <br />The City, following a duly noticed public hearing by the City Council as set forth in Government <br />Code Section 50284., may cancel this agreement if it determines that the owners have <br />breached any of the conditions of this agreement or have allowed the property to deteriorate to <br />the point that it no longer meets the standards for a qualified historic property, or if the City <br />determines that the owners have failed to restore or rehabilitate the property in the manner <br />specified in Exhibit A. If a contract is cancelled for these reasons, the owner shall pay a <br />cancellation fee to the County. Auditor as set forth in Government Code Section 50286, which <br />states that the fee shall be 12'/2% of the full value of the property at the time of the cancellation <br />without regard to any restriction imposed with this agreement. <br />If the property is acquired by eminent domain and the City Council determines that the <br />acquisition frustrates the purpose of the agreement, the agreement shall be cancelled and no <br />fee imposed, as specified in Government Code Section 50288. <br />If the historic property is destroyed by earthquake, fire, flood or other natural disaster, such that <br />in the opinion of the Chief Building Official more than 50% of the structure, or historical fabric, <br />must be replaced, this agreement may be canceled because in effect the historic value of the <br />structure will have been destroyed. Determination of the extent of damage shall be in <br />accordance with Section 4-2008 C of the Zoning Code. No fee shall be imposed in the case of <br />destruction by acts of God or natural disaster. <br />7. Enforcement of Agreement. <br />In lieu of and/or in addition to any provisions to cancel the agreement as referenced herein, the <br />City may specifically enforce, or enjoin the breach of, the terms of this agreement. In the event <br />of a default under the provisions of this agreement by the owner, the City shall give written <br />notice to the owner by registered or certified mail addressed to the address stated in this <br />agreement, and if such a violation is not corrected to the reasonable satisfaction of the City <br />within thirty (30) days thereafter, or if not corrected within such a reasonable time as may be <br />required to cure the breach or default or said breach or default cannot be cured within thirty (30) <br />days (provided that acts to cure the breach or default must be commenced within thirty (30) <br />days and must thereafter be diligently pursued to completion by the owner), then the City may, <br />without further notice, declare a default under the terms of this agreement and may bring any <br />action necessary to specifically enforce the obligations of the owner pursuant to the terms of this <br />agreement, apply for injunctive relief against any violation by the owner, or apply for such other <br />relief as may be appropriate. <br />The City's right to enforce this agreement pursuant to this paragraph shall in no way limit or <br />restrict its rights or legal remedies arising from the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance or <br />Municipal Code. <br />The City does not waive any claim of default by the owner if the City does not enforce or cancel <br />this agreement. All other remedies at law or in equity which are not otherwise provided. for in this <br />agreement or in the City's regulations governing historic properties are available to the City to <br />pursue in the event that there is a breach of this agreement. No waiver by the City of any <br />Mills Act Contract June 8, 2010 <br />857 Estudillo Avenue Page 3 of 5 <br />