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May 25, 2010 -Execution Copy <br />Section 3.06. Participation in LINKS. Businesses that have received Internal <br />Revenue 501(c)(3)tax-exempt status, and businesses that are exempt from <br />local assessments under State or Federal law are exempt from the West San <br />Leandro Shuttle Route (LINKS) assessment. Acknowledging the role of <br />Developer's affiliated for-profit medical group, Developer agrees to work <br />with City staff to coordinate its shuttle service with the LINKS Service in a <br />mutually beneficial manner so as to eliminate redundancy and provide <br />services to the medical center, consistent with the goals of Chapter 2-15 of <br />the City Municipal Code. Absent a future agreement relating to services <br />provided by the Developer shuttle program, the Retail Project shall comply <br />with the requirements of Chapter 2-15 of the City Municipal Code. <br />Section 3.07. Transportation Demand Mana eg, ment (TDM. Developer agrees to <br />prepare and implement a TDM Program to reduce vehicle trips generated by <br />the Kaiser Medical Center Project by approximately 10 to 15 percent for <br />Kaiser Phase 1 and Buildout. Developer agrees to develop and implement a <br />TDM plan consistent with the guidelines of the Project's EIR. <br />Section 3.08. Project Site Entrance Requirements. Prior to or concurrently with <br />the opening of the Retail Project, Developer or its successor in interest shall <br />provide for the widening of the north leg of Merced at the General Foundry <br />frontage to provide two left-turn lanes on to Republic from Merced and one <br />through lane, and one shared-through-right lane on the southbound approach <br />(the "Foundry Frontage Widening"). Twenty-four (24) months prior to the <br />opening of the Retail Project, Developer agrees to pay costs relating to City <br />planning and engineering efforts related to the Foundry Frontage Widening, <br />although those costs shall not include any property acquisition or hard <br />construction costs. Prior to the opening of the Retail Project, Developer or <br />its successor in interest shall, at its sole expense, provide either the Foundry <br />Frontage Widening or an equivalent feasible mitigation measure proposed by <br />the City sufficient to mitigate traffic impacts at the Merced-Marina <br />intersection and to improve queuing impacts at the Republic Avenue/Merced <br />intersection, as further set forth in the EIR. <br />Section 3.09. EIR Related Infrastructure Obligations. Developer agrees to pay <br />its fair share of any infrastructure obligations validly established as <br />mitigation measures as set forth in any Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting <br />Program duly adopted in connection with the EIR and any subsequent <br />environmental review in connection with a subsequent application for the <br />Project or any component thereof. The mitigation measures shall be phased <br />into track the opening of the Medical Center Project at Kaiser Phase 1, the <br />opening of the Retail Project and the opening of additional facilities at Kaiser <br />Buildout. <br />Section 3.10. Other Community Benefits. Recognizing that Developer possesses <br />certain unique resources that would benefit the public in general, the Kaiser <br />Medical Center Project offers the following benefits to the community: <br />Page l0 of 36 <br />1424669.1 Kaiser Medical Center and Retail Project Development Agreement <br />