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May 25, 2010 -Execution Copy <br />retail uses, restaurants, soft goods, and service-oriented retailers (the "Retail Project"). <br />The Retail Project could also include amixed-use residential project consisting of up to <br />250 one- and two-bedroom apartments or alternatively, a 210 room hotel development <br />serving future Kaiser employees, physicians and visitors, or an additiona145,000 square <br />feet of retail for a total of 432,000 square feet of retail. <br />F. Collectively, the Kaiser Medical Center Project Site and the Retail Project Site <br />will be referred to herein as the "Project Site;" and the Kaiser Medical Center Project and <br />the Retail Project will be referred to herein as the "Project." <br />G. City has taken several actions to review and plan for the future development <br />of the Project. These include, without limitation, the following: <br />1. Environmental Impact Report. The environmental impacts of the Project, <br />including the Project Approvals and their implementation through certain Subsequent <br />Approvals, and alternatives to the Project and its location, have properly been reviewed <br />and assessed by City pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Public <br />Resources Code Section 21000 et seq. ;California Code of Regulations Title 14, Section <br />15000 et seq. (the "CEQA Guidelines"); and City's local guidelines promulgated <br />thereunder (hereinafter collectively referred to as "CEQA"). On May 3, 2010, pursuant <br />to CEQA and in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission for <br />the City of San Leandro (the "Planning Commission"), the City Council certified a final <br />environmental impact report covering the Project (the "EIR"). As required by CEQA, the <br />City adopted written findings and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program (the <br />"Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program") prior to approving the Project <br />Approvals. <br />2. General Plan Amendment. Following review and recommendation by the <br />City Planning Commission and after a duly noticed public hearing and certification of the <br />EIR, the City Council, by Resolution No. 2010-044, approved amendments to the San <br />Leandro General Plan (the "General Plan Amendment") redesignating the Project Site to <br />the San Leandro General Plan's General Commercial land use designation. <br />3. Rezoning. Following City Planning Commission review and <br />recommendation, certification of the EIR and adoption of the General Plan Amendment <br />at a duly noticed public hearing, the City Council adopted City Ordinance No. 2010-006, <br />rezoning the Project Site to City's Commercial Community zoning district and Planned <br />Development Overlay District (the "PD Zoning"), approving a Planned Development <br />Project, including Plans, Guidelines, and other materials required pursuant to Article 10 <br />of the San Leandro Zoning Ordinance (the "PD Project"), for the Project. <br />The approvals and development policies described in this Recital G are <br />collectively referred to herein as the "Project Approvals." <br />H. City and Developer agree that additional project-level CEQA review will be <br />required prior to approval of the Retail Project, consistent with State laws and <br />Page 2 of 36 <br />1424669.1 Kaiser Medical Center and Retail Project Development Agreement <br />