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May 25, 2010 -Execution Copy <br />regulations. A proposal for the Retail Project will need to fulfill all CEQA requirements <br />and receive City Council approval prior to the initiation of construction. <br />I. City has determined that the Project presents certain public benefits and <br />opportunities which are advanced by City and Developer entering into this Agreement. <br />This Agreement will, among other things, (1) reduce uncertainties in planning and <br />provide for the orderly development of the Project; (2) mitigate many significant <br />environmental impacts; (3) provide public services and roadway and circulation <br />improvements; (4) strengthen the City's economic base with a variety of high quality <br />long term jobs, in addition to shorter term construction jobs; (5) provide for and generate <br />substantial revenues for the City in the form of one time and annual fees and exactions <br />and other fiscal benefits; (6) provide a comprehensively planned, integrated, seismically <br />safe medical center campus that includes a modern state-of--the-art hospital and <br />community amenities; and (7) otherwise achieve the goals and purposes for which the <br />Development Agreement Statute was enacted. <br />J. In exchange for the benefits to City described in the preceding Recital, <br />together with the other public benefits that will result from the development of the <br />Project, Developer will receive by this Agreement assurance that it may proceed with the <br />Project in accordance with the "Applicable Law" (defined below), and therefore desires <br />to enter into this Agreement. <br />K. The City Council, after conducting a duly noticed public hearing, has found <br />that this Agreement is consistent with the General Plan and has conducted all necessary <br />proceedings in accordance with the City's rules and regulations for the approval of this <br />Agreement. <br />L. On Apri122, 2010, following a duly noticed public hearing, the Planning <br />Commission recommended that the City Council approve this Agreement. Following <br />City Council certification of the EIR, adoption or approval of the General Plan <br />Amendment, the PD Zoning, and the PD Project, the City Council, following a duly <br />noticed public hearing, adopted Ordinance No. 2010-007, approving and authorizing the <br />execution of this Agreement. <br />AGREEMENT <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, covenants and provisions set <br />forth herein, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree <br />as follows: <br />ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS <br />"Administrative Project Amendment" shall have that meaning set forth in <br />Section 7.01(a) of this Agreement. <br />"Agreement" shall have that meaning set forth in the Introductory Paragraph of <br />this Agreement. <br />Page 3 of 36 <br />1424669.1 Kaiser Medical Center and Retail Project Development Agreement <br />