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Toyon Park Playground Sitework <br />P&S, Call for Bids <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />6, 2010 <br />The KaBOOM! design process requires that a local non-profit partner with the City to raise <br />funds for the project, outreach to .the community, bring in volunteers and provide co-chairs for <br />the many planning committees. The City received support from the local Rotary Club for this <br />project. As part of the planned Design Day on July 22, 2010, a community workshop will be <br />held to solicit input from .the community that will become the basis for the selection of the <br />playground equipment. <br />Fiscal Imuact <br />The total construction cost of the site work is estimated at $57,500. <br />Public Works Services has estimated that this project will have an annual maintenance cost of <br />$13,120. <br />Budget Authority <br />As part of the Measure WW funding, an application was submitted to the District in the amount <br />of $435,000. This application has been approved. This grant funding is included in the proposed <br />Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in the 2010-2011 budget under account 150-62-109. <br />Kaboom! will install the playground equipment at no cost to the City. For this reason, the total <br />project cost should be significantly less than the original WW grant estimate. Any unused funds <br />available upon completion of this project will be made available for other eligible WW grant <br />projects. <br />~iQ, erry C er, Interim Finance Director <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends award of contract to the low bidder, Jim Freethy Excavating, Inc., in the <br />amount of $35,593.92. <br />G:\_Admin\COUNCIL\2010\7 JUL 6\Toyon Park Playground (WW) -AWARD\Toyon Park Playground AWARD MEM.Docx <br />