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2. San Leandro Economic Forum -This program, initiated with the successful event on June 22nd, and <br />being established as an ongoing initiative, is designed to "tell the San Leandro success story", to work <br />together as a community to face the unprecedented economic challenges in the months and years ahead, <br />and to develop and implement strategies to make San Leandro the premier business and industrial <br />community in the Bay Area, thereby strengthening our economy, our employment opportunities and our <br />tax base. <br />2009-2010 3rd Quarter Report <br />1. General Work <br />- Prepared and delivered email broadcast and website "Hot Topic" article featuring local <br />2009 industrial winners of the Stop program. <br />- Prepared and delivered 5 email broadcast industry alerts such as changing trends in <br />manufacturing in U.S. vs. Asia. <br />- Prepared and delivered 7 email broadcasts offering technical assistance and programs, <br />including accessing capital offered other organizations such as SBDC of Alameda County, <br />and EBEDA. <br />- Expanded Chamber's contact directory with .15 new entries to broaden outreach to the <br />industrial community to engage them in both Chamber and City programs and services. <br />2. Industrial Roundtable Program <br />- Work with Board Program Chair to develop program content and potential presenters. <br />- Developed and implemented meeting presentations: <br />a -Kaiser Medical Center Project Update; <br />b -East Bay Green Corridor Partnership; <br />c -San Leandro Sustainable Management Systems Initiative -Progress Report <br />from Participating Companies. <br />- Follow up with new program attendees encouraging future participation and involvement <br />with Chamber and City in Roundtable and Industrial Council work. <br />- Through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, emails and media information, worked to <br />develop appropriate topics and presenters for future Industrial Roundtable Programs. <br />- Develop and produce media material for Chamber calendar and meeting <br />invitations/announcements. <br />- Make arrangements for and manage the Roundtable meeting. <br />3. Industrial Councils <br />- Continued individual company visits as effective means of outreach. <br />- Through third quarter, staff continued walking parts of the five areas and visited <br />12companies, personally introducing the program to those companies, and inviting them to <br />participate in future meetings. <br />- Follow up contact was made via phone calls and/or emails. <br />- Met with a third commerciaUindustrial brokers to assess their evaluation of San Leandro's <br />competitive position in the current market: assessment continues to echo the 1St quarter <br />San Leandro Chamber of Commerce - 09-10 City Contract -Industrial Program - 3rd Quarter Report Page 2 <br />