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o Toyon Park Playground <br />■ Replacement of playground structure <br />■ Originally funded by Measure WW <br />■ Approved as a KaBoom! Community project <br />■ City responsible for site improvements <br />■ Fast-track design <br />■ Community Planning Day July 22, 2010 <br />■ Playground Build Day scheduled for September 18, 2010 <br />■ Site improvements scheduled for August, 2010 <br />■ Plans currently out to bid <br />o Westgate Parkway <br />■ ACTIA project scope authorization <br />■ $2.8M Measure B project funds remain <br />■ Davis Street lane modifications to be completed under CMA's I-880 HOV project <br />■ City polling area property owners on desire for a pedestrian overcrossing at Davis <br />Street and Timothy/Warden <br />■ 125 surveys mailed, two returned as of June 7, 2010, deadline is June 16, 2010 <br />Discussion ensued regarding Callan Garage. Mayor Santos asked how many contractors would <br />be bidding on the garage. Ken Joseph answered that there are about ten targeted contractors. <br />Councilmember Gregory asked if there would be parking fees at the Callan Garage. Uche <br />Udemezue responded that there will be a monthly parking area that local business will buy. <br />Wells Fargo Bank, by agreement, will control a number of spaces as well. There will be a <br />number of two hour parking spaces with no parking fees. Councilmember Gregory asked how <br />many parking spaces the Callan Garage will have. Ken Joseph stated that the garage will be four <br />story and 250 spaces with an option for a fifth story if the bids come in favorably. <br />Councilmember Gregory asked if the new Toyon Park playground has the same footprint as the <br />old playground. Ken stated that the new playground will be about 2/3 the size of the previous <br />playground. <br />Discussion ensued regarding Westgate Parkway. Mayor Santos asked how close the I-880 HOV <br />is to beginning. Ken answered that the I-880 HOV project is in currently in the design phase. It <br />will, possibly, go to bid early next year. Mayor Santos asked if the Triangle project was in a <br />better position to move forward than the Westgate Parkway project at this time. Uche stated that <br />it is. Mayor Santos stated that in the absence of interest from the neighborhood, perhaps the <br />Westgate Parkway project funds could be shifted to the Triangle project. Uche explained that <br />there must be agreement at the local level between the cities of Hayward, San Leandro, Oakland <br />as well as unincorporated Alameda County and the Mayor's Conference in order to move the <br />funds. It is the staff's hope that the agreement can be ratified at the Mayor's Conference level. <br />2. Discussion Regarding ACCMA/ACTIA Merger <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding ACCMA/ACTIA merger. Keith <br />reviewed the history of the ACCMA and ACTIA and provided an overview of the current role of <br />