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each agency. A merger between the ACCMA and ACTIA could potentially save tax dollars, <br />eliminate redundancies, streamline planning and project delivery and simplify legislative, policy <br />and funding strategies. <br />Keith explained that in January 2009 the ACCMA and ACTIA boards authorized a study to <br />determine if there would be a cost savings in a merger of the two agencies. In May 2009 a draft <br />report identified enough savings to justify moving forward with a merger. In July 2009 the <br />ACCMA/ACTIA boards authorized the development of a merger implementation plan. In <br />January 2010 both the ACCMA and ACTIA boards accepted the merger implementation plan. <br />In February 2010 the ACCMA and ACTIA boards adopted a draft Joint Powers Agreement <br />(JPA) and directed ACCMA/ACTIA staff to present it for approval to the Board of Supervisors, <br />Cities throughout Alameda County, AC Transit and BART. The JPA authorizes the creation of <br />the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC). The newly formed ACTC will <br />assume the duties and responsibilities of both the ACCMA and ACTIA and have a board <br />comprised of 22 members. <br />Keith stated that the vote to approve the Joint Powers Agreement by all cities, the Board of <br />Supervisors, AC Transit and BART will be held in July 2010. This vote will be followed by the <br />final adoption of the Joint Powers Agreement by the ACCMA and ACTIA boards and in <br />September 2010 the Alameda County Transportation Commission will begin its work. <br />Uche explained that there are already enough votes to approve the merger and that the City of <br />San Leandro will be last to vote. He stated that City staff wants to be sure that the merger issues <br />are clear. Keith pointed out some of the merger issues including what will be the cost savings to <br />the City of San Leandro? Also, the consolidation and growth of a regional organization could <br />lead to competition between regional and City project and interests. Ultimately, City staff <br />recommends adopting a resolution approving the Joint Powers Agreement to create the ACTC. <br />Staff also recommends authorizing the Mayor or City Manager to execute the necessary <br />agreements. <br />Discussion ensued. Uche reiterated the importance of making certain that the City's interest is <br />not lost in regional projects. Lianne Marshall stated the need to clarify the mission of the newly <br />formed ACTC. Councilmember Gregory asked if the merger will cost the City money. Uche <br />explained that it will cost the City in projects and in available funds for projects. Lianne <br />suggested that City staff will work with the mayor on future ACTC agendas to ensure that the <br />City's best interest is in balance with regional projects. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Toyon Park Restroom Replacement <br />Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding replacing the restroom at Toyon Park. <br />Toyon Park Restroom Replacement <br />o History <br />■ Present restroom built in 1962 <br />■ Does not meet current ADA requirements <br />■ Fixtures do not meet current standards <br />