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RulesCommunications Highlights 2010 0622
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Rules & Communications Committee
RulesCommunications Highlights 2010 0622
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City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />June 22, 2010 <br />Page 12 <br />Community Relations Representative Kathy Ornelas suggested that, rather than adopt a <br />Council resolution, a letter could be issued under the Mayor's signature. Mayor Santos <br />agreed with this suggestion. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Changes to the Hearing Process for Code Enforcement and Weed <br />Abatement Cases <br />Assistant City Attorney Rich Pio Roda provided a review of the current Code Enforcement <br />ordinance, which utilizes the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) as the official hearing <br />body for Notices of Violation and appeals related to code enforcement, community <br />preservation, and weed cases; and the recent amendment to the Weed Abatement Ordinance <br />to have weed violations heard by a three-person administrative hearing body, rather than by <br />the BZA. <br />Community Development Director Luke Sims gave background on the hearing process. <br />From 2002 to 2007, code enforcement, community compliance and weed abatement hearings <br />were handled by a three-person administrative hearing body comprised of City managers. In <br />2007, the BZA became the hearing body for Notices of Violation and appeals under the <br />City's Code Enforcement Ordinance, eliminating the need for the administrative hearing <br />board. The Weed Abatement Ordinance was amended in 2009, and the administrative <br />hearing board was reinstated to expedite the adjudication of weed abatement matters. <br />Mr. Sims noted that, while the BZA is adept at handling planning and zoning issues, it has <br />been awkward for the Board to handle code enforcement matters, of which they have little to <br />no expertise. Due to staff cutbacks, the BZA meeting schedule has been reduced to once per <br />month, which further delays the scheduling of community compliance and other code <br />enforcement matters. <br />Staff requested that the Committee consider exploring alternatives to the current hearing <br />processes, including referring all community compliance/code enforcement cases to the <br />administrative hearing body. <br />Committee Member Prola reported that residents have complained to him about the length of <br />time it takes to abate properties. Committee members discussed the City's problems with <br />chronic and repeat violators, and with foreclosed properties. The Committee requested <br />information on ways to improve and streamline the current code enforcement process, <br />including research on how these cases are handled in other cities, and review of the Notice of <br />Violation procedures. <br />
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