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Reso 2001-021 RDA 2001-003
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2001-021 RDA 2001-003
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7/20/2012 5:21:33 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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center style development in Downtown need to be re-established. <br />• Pedestrian amenities need to be put on an equal playing field with <br />vehicular activity; safer street and. driveway crossings should be in- <br />stalled, and existing pedestrian walkways (Felton Centex, Estudillo at <br />Washington Avenues) should be enhanced. <br />• Community gathering places, such as the historic Plaza, need to be <br />improved in order to make Downtown a friendlier environment; a <br />companion southerly gathering place should be established along the <br />Parrott Street area. <br />• The reorganization of the banking industry will result in bank <br />building re-use issues that can have significant market challenges for <br />Downtown. <br />• Funding mechanisms need to be established to provide for special <br />events and promotional efforts that attract residents to Downtown. <br />Impediments to be overcome <br />Retail investors, both regionally and nationally, focus on certain key fac- <br />tors in their decision making to locate new retail services within an area. <br />They are as follows: <br />• Demographics of the market area; primarily household numbers, <br />age and income of residents within the trade area. <br />• Cost of land and/or lease acquisition for the intended use. <br />• Receptivity of the City and existing retail community to any <br />proposed use or expansion <br />• Competition from similar uses within the trade or market area. <br />The demographics show a gtuckly changing community, from a predomi- <br />nantly older population to a more diverse population made up of younger <br />professionals with children. <br />Based on demographic data, a market analysis performed by Keyser <br />Marston Associates recommended the following as possible market niches <br />for Downtown: <br />Specialty retailers (eye glasses, flowers, and gifts) <br />Personal care (health clubs, etc.) <br />Recreational retail (bicycle, fishing, outdoor goods) <br />• Restaurants and entertainment uses, particularly those extending <br />into the evening hours <br />• Multi-cultural retail opportunities (specialized entertainment, <br />music stores and restaurants) <br />Economic development staff could assist in facilitating the re-tenanting of <br />Downtown buildings, using the list above as general guidelines. Appendix <br />A shows a generic list of retailer requirements for different types of uses. <br />page 10 Oetober2000 San Leandro Downtown Plan & Urban Design Guidelines <br />
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