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Demographic, Regional, and Market Changes <br />There are three key changes occuring today that affect the City's ability <br />to re-market Downtown San Leandro: <br />• In sharp contrast to only a few years ago, national and regional <br />retailers have shown renewed interest in locating within Downtown <br />areas, particularly those exhibiting the architectural diversity and a <br />sense of history to the community that San Leandro embraces. <br />• Downtown markets have shifted from a regional and city-wide <br />draw for traditional retail goods and services to highly specialized retail <br />and service needs. Neighborhood operations, such as grocery and <br />pharmaceutical sales, have been an integral part of Downtown San <br />Leandro's retail base. Eating and drinking, with an emphasis on sit- <br />down restaurants, and entertainment and the introduction of house- <br />hold furnishings have become an integral part of revitalized Down- <br />towns in the Bay Area. <br />• There are clear indications that Downtown San Leandro demo- <br />.' graphics are rapidly changing. Residential real estate sales within the <br />surrounding neighborhoods, and new school enrollment statistics <br />strongly suggest that homeownership within the Downtown market <br />area is shifting toward new families with young children. All of these <br />factors will work in favor of higher end retail recruitment to Down- <br />. town San Leandro. <br />Past Doavnto~vn Revitalisation Efforts <br />Over the last two decades, there have been a number of efforts to rein- <br />vigorate Downtown to regain its economic and community vitality. The <br />Plaza 1 and Plaza 2 Redevelopment project areas were created under State of <br />California Redevelopment Law in 1960 and 1967, respectively. The Plaza 1 <br />consists of the main shopping center (the Washington Plaza); the Plaza 2 <br />Redevelopment area contains the area surrounding Downtown, incorporat- <br />ing the Long's Drugs at E.14``' and Davis, and the Gateway and Placer Title <br />office buildings. A third project area, the Joint Revitalization Area extends <br />along E. 14th Street and takes in the southern portion of the study area. it is <br />important to note that the joint area incorporates a much larger area and <br />does not necessarily focus its attentions and resources on the immediate <br />Downtown Area. A project area map of the Plaza 1 and Plaza 2 redevelop- <br />went areas and the Joint Revitalization Area follows. <br />As the City's first redevelopment area, the "Plaza 1 Redevelopment <br />Project" - originally called the "Downtown Plaza Redevelopment Area" - <br />~" was intended to deal with problems typical to downtowns experiencing de- <br />cline, such as economic deterioration, building obsolescence, and a shortage <br />of public parking. <br />Efforts to revitalize the Plaza 1 Redevelopment Project area primarily <br />included the reconfiguration and development of Washington Plaza into. a <br />shopping center style business district. This project, which was completed in <br />San Leandro Downtown Plan & Uxban Design Guidelines October 2000 page 11 <br />