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Economic and Marketing Strategic Plan <br />Shopping centers and other commercial areas have eclipsed downtown as a <br />retail center. <br />Historically, Downtown San Leandro served as a citywide and even regional <br />destination for a variety of retail and service uses. This role of the Down- <br />town has largely been replaced by shopping center, "box" retail, and strip <br />commercial uses. <br />Re-establish the downtown as a community center. <br />San Leandro has experienced outlying competition and citywide retail satu- ;< <br />ration within the last few years, and losses from the downtown area in reatil <br />sales tax dollars have been substantial. The Downtown area needs to re- <br />establish itself as the center of the community and a destination center. To <br />do this, it needs to focus on attracting daytime and nightime activity by <br />providing a) specislry neighborhood goods and services, b) eating and drink- <br />ing and entertainment uses, and c) special events with citywide appeal. <br />Changing demographic trends can benefit the downtown. <br />San Leandro is experiencing increasing home values and an influx of families <br />with children in the neighborhoods surrounding the downtown. This pro- <br />vides the downtown with a market with a higher discretionary income than <br />in previous years. <br />Collaboration between property owners, merchants and the City is crucial to <br />improving downtown's retail environment. <br />Street improvements, maintenance of common areas, coordinating special <br />events such as Sausages and Suds, improving existing buildings and re-ten- <br />anting empty buildings are all issues that require public and private invest- <br />, <br />merit. Through this investment, the downtown will become a more lively i <br />daytime and evening community destination. <br />Urban Design Plan <br />Downtown San Leandro has a rich history upon which to build. <br />Downtown San Leandro developed through an organic process and embod- <br />ies many of the best aspects of urban design, including well-detailed store- <br />fronts, shopping streets, and a central plaza. <br />The 1983 redevelopment introduced a new physical pattern that has been <br />detrimental to downtown. <br />The 1983 redevelopment abandoned the grid pattern and small grain of a <br />traditional downtown, replacing it with a shopping center model of large <br />page 2 October 2000 San Leandro Downtown Plan & Urban Design Guidelines <br />