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buildings surrounded by parking. The historic plaza was redesigned as a park-like <br />space encroached by parking. This shift from storefronts, well-proportioned streets <br />and finely detailed public spaces to bulky, massive structures focused on automo- <br />bile traffic gradually degraded the economic viability of downtown shops. <br />The key to economic viability is a return to traditional patterns. <br />The plan recommends a series of short- and long-term actions that can re- <br />store, to a large extent, the traditional patterns of the street grid, finely grained <br />storefronts, pedestrian spaces, plazas, and architectural quality. Concentrat- <br />ing retail activity downtown will further enhance its economic viability. <br />Renovating the historic Plaza is the top priority. <br />The current economic climate favors downtown renewal. The plan's <br />effectiveness will be enhanced by fast action. The top priority is to reno- , <br />vate the historic Plaza at the corner of East 14`'' and Davis Street and create <br />a pedestrian connection to the BART Station. Creating a viable gathering <br />space and establishing a stronger link to the downtown will give new <br />vitality to the downtown and showcase San Leandro's heritage. This top <br />priority project, if completed well, can be a catalyst for private investment, <br />public support, and other positive change. <br />Study Area <br />San Leandro Downtown Plan & Urban Design Guidelines October 2000 page 3 <br />