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^ Landscaped Parking Island -along the frontage of the Evergreen <br />Nursery area to clarify vehicle movements and separate through <br />traffic from curbside angle parking area. Plane Trees at approxi- <br />mately 50 feet on center are recommended to frame the parking <br />area as a space and provide shade; see Special Areas -South <br />MacArthur Place, below. <br />^ Shared Bike/Short Term Parking Lane -along the easterly frontage <br />between Estudillo and Dutton. This lane would be striped at a <br />width of 8'; the existing sidewallc segment along the frontage <br />would be extended to the north to provide a curbside step zone. <br />Existing pear trees adjacent to the freeway wall would be retained. <br />^ Pedestrian crossings (2) -one located at the northerly end of the <br />indent area (to accommodate northbound left turns into the angle <br />parking area), the other adjacent to the Bridge Road intersection. <br />^ Corner sidewalk "bulb-outs" -see description for North MacArthur <br />subarea, above. <br />^ Street trees within curbside parking areas -see description for North <br />MacArthur subarea, above; parallel parking only in this subarea. <br />^ Pedestrian-oriented street lights -see description for North <br />MacArthur subarea, above; westerly frontage only. <br />^ Ornamental paving bands -see description for North MacArthur <br />subarea, above. <br />Special Areas <br />Two special areas -Hollywood Place and South MacArthur Place - are <br />anticipated to be the focus of pedestrian-oriented commercial devel- <br />opment, and are recommended to have a more intensive level of de- <br />sign and improvement. The San Leandro Creek area currently di- <br />vides commercial frontages to the north and south, and is proposed <br />to be enhanced as a better pedestrian link and more visible natural <br />asset. <br />__ <br />__ _`_ <br />~,~~"~'-,..-m"""__.'.~_ - <br />Excess street width encourages speeding. <br /> <br />- 14 - <br />Landscaped medians are proposed for traffic calming and beautification. <br />