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Reso 2001-022 RDA 2001-004
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2001-022 RDA 2001-004
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7/20/2012 5:21:34 PM
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7/14/2010 11:46:35 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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I. Introduction <br />Vision and Goals <br />MacArthur Boulevard is envisioned as a bustling commercial corri- <br />dor oriented to both a local and subregional clientele. Over time, the <br />public right of way will be improved as an attractive, pedestrian ori- <br />ented setting for commercial activity. Traffic speeds will be signifi- <br />cantly slower than they are today, enhancing pedestrian safety and <br />the visibility of fronting businesses. <br />The vision for the MacArthur Boulevard Streetscape Master Plan ad- <br />dresses the following goals: <br />1) Enhance the Commercial/Business Environment. <br />2) Calm Traffic and Enhance Pedestrian Movement. <br />3) Create. an Attractive City Gateway. <br />Major design elements include enhanced curbside parking areas, pe- <br />destrian-oriented street lighting, infill street trees, corner sidewalk <br />"bulb-outs' and shorter pedestrian street crossings, attractive benches <br />and trash receptacles, and, in the southerly portion of the corridor, <br />median islands for traffic calming and beautification. <br />Background <br />MacArthur Boulevard is one of San Leandro's most visible and im- <br />portant streets, and economic revitalization of the MacArthur Boule- <br />vard corridor is an important priority for the City. Once a thriving <br />commercial district, the corridor has seen a significant decline in in- <br />vestment over the last two decades. In conjunction with a facade <br />improvement program and associated Redevelopment Agency efforts, <br />the Streetscape Master Plan is part of the city's strategy to encourage <br />new businesses, building and site renovations, and new construction <br />in the area. It dovetails with a similar effort currently underway along <br />MacArthur Boulevard within the City of Oakland. <br />The Streetscape Master Plan area extends approximately 6,000 feet from <br />the City of Oakland border at Durant Aver}ue on the north to Grand <br />Avenue/Joaquin Avenue on the south. For a distance of approximately <br />3,000 feet, between Dowling Boulevard on the north and Joaquin on <br />the south, the street is bordered on the east by the elevated Interstate <br />580 freeway. <br />Two I-580 offramps exit directly onto MacArthur Boulevard, adja- <br />cent to intersections at Superior Avenue, Dowling Boulevard, and <br />Joaquin Avenue. This makes MacArthur Boulevard one of the city's <br />most significant entrance points. However, the freeway ramps, over- <br />pass, and one-way couplet located between Superior and Dowling <br />break the continuity of the frontage; with the northern portion cut <br />off from the more visible southern portion. <br />-5- <br />
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