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Reso 2001-022 RDA 2001-004
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2001-022 RDA 2001-004
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7/20/2012 5:21:34 PM
Creation date
7/14/2010 11:46:35 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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1) North of Superior Avenue the street has acurb-to-curb width of <br />approximately fifty feet, with curbside parallel parking and com- <br />mercial frontage along both sides. <br />.,. <br />Indented frontage on the West and 1-580 on the East occur in the South MacArthur <br />subarea. <br />Existing Conditions <br />Street frontages are in commercial use for the most part, and free- <br />standing buildings predominate. However, there are two clusters of <br />storefront buildings: one between Herma Court and Durant Avenue <br />at the north end of the corridor (the area known as "Hollywood <br />Plaza"); the other and more extensive area is between Estudillo and <br />Dutton Avenue at the south end of the corridor. Adjacent to the <br />Estudillo Avenue intersection is the Estudillo shopping center, includ- <br />ing Rite-Aid and a number of other smaller tenants. <br />Disinvestment is a problem in the corridor, with a number of sites <br />and buildings remaining vacant for significant periods of time. The <br />former Evergreen Nursery adjacent to San Leandro Creek is the larg- <br />est of these sites. Combined with the former Piper's restaurant (cur- <br />rentlyapproved for redevelopment as a community church) and other <br />vacant and/or underutilized properties, the image created has tended <br />to discourage new investment. <br />The street itself has three significantly different physical configura- <br />tions within the Streetscape Master Plan area: <br />2) At the bend in I-580, offramps split the street into two one-way <br />segments. The southbound segment has commercial frontage on <br />the west and the southbound freeway offramp on the east. The <br />northbound segment is located between the offramp and the free- <br />way retaining wall. <br />3) South of Dowling Boulevard the street is bounded by the free- <br />way retaining wall on the east and commercial frontage on the <br />west. The curb-to-curb width of the street varies between approxi- <br />mately fifty-four feet north of Dutton Avenue, to approximately <br />seventy-five feet in the "indented" frontage adjacent to the former <br />Evergreen Nursery site, and approximately fifty-four feet again <br />south from the San Leandro Creek bridge to Juana Avenue. <br />Sidewalks are typically eight feet wide, and are in adequate condi- <br />tionfor the most part. There is a generally consistent planting of shade <br />trees; however, tree planting wells are surfaced with dry-laid bricks <br />that have become uneven over the years and could pose a safety haz- <br />ard for pedestrians. Lighting is in the form of tall, "cobrahead" high- <br />way lights that tend to focus on the roadway more than on sidewalk <br />areas. <br />An important issue throughout the corridor is traffic speed and pe- <br />destrian safety. In particular, southbound traffic speeds in the seg- <br />mentsouth ofDowling Boulevard typically exceed the posted 35 mile- <br />per-hour speed limit, as motorists exiting the freeway attempt to make <br />the green phase of the traffic signal at Dutton Avenue. <br />The Master Plan Process <br />The Streetscape Master Plan was prepared with the ongoing participa- <br />tion of the Redevelopment Area Committee (RAC), which includes <br />local business and property owners, residents and other concerned <br />citizens. Through the course of a series of public-noticed meetings, <br />the RAC provided direction for the objectives of the Streetscape Mas- <br />-6- <br />
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