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ter Plan and its design, budget, and phasing recommendations. Five <br />RAC meetings on the Master Plan were held between December, 1999, <br />and October, 2000. A MacArthur Boulevard subcommittee of the RAC <br />has been formed to make detailed design recommendations for fur- <br />nishingsand materials selections, including paving, lighting, and plant <br />species. <br />Two public workshops were held to review the Streetscape Master Plan <br />as it progressed, focusing first on issues and design options, then on <br />the elements of a preferred overall streetscape concept design and <br />more detailed recommendations for "special focus areas." The con- <br />ceptual design was presented to the City Council Economic Devel- <br />opment and Redevelopment Committee in May, 2000, for prelimi- <br />nary review. <br />Support for streetscape design recommendations was strong, particu- <br />larlyfor traffic calming and improved lighting, as well as general beau- <br />tification. In fact, most participants would like to see construction of <br />all of the proposed improvements as soon as possible. However, fund- <br />ing limitations and the need for a phased approach were explained. <br />Medians for traffic calming and beautification, and frontage parking <br />improvements were regarded as the most important and cost effec- <br />tive elements, and therefore most appropriate for a first phase project. <br />-9- <br />