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<br />2. The construction of the parks shall follow a logical sequence such that at least one (1) park <br />shall be constructed prior to the issuance of the one hundredth building permit, at least two <br />parks prior to the two hundredth building permit and the remainder prior to the issuance of <br />the three hundredth building permit. <br />3. Prior to Final Plan approval for any phase of the project, the subdivider shall prepare a <br />landscaping and irrigation plan for review and approval by the Development Services and <br />the Engineering and Transportation Department. The landscape plan shall include species, <br />size, quantities and location. The landscaping plan shall also include the design of the <br />sidewalk/bike path through the various on-site parks as required by the project Initial Study. <br />All landscaping shall be designed with efficient irrigation practices to reduce runoff, to <br />promote surface filtration and minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticide which can <br />contribute to runoffpollution. Landscaping and other surface features shall be located as not <br />to impair sight distance at driveways. <br />4. Subdivider shall plant street trees within the lots and along the Alvarado Street extension <br />and the new streets and shall maintain these street trees for not less than three years or until <br />the trees are well established. Street tree locations shall be approved by the City Engineer. <br />Street tree species shall be approved by the City Landscape supervisor. <br />5. Prior to issuance of the first building permits in any phase of the project, the Subdivider <br />shall construct all of the perimeter soundwalls and/or masonry walls required to be built in <br />that .phase. The design of all sound and masonry walls shall be approved by the City <br />Engineer. <br />~~ <br />~~'~ <br />Uchenna Udemezue, P. E., City Engineer <br />~. <br />~ ~~ v~ <br />Date <br />Page 9 of 9 <br />