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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 12 <br />Chapter 13 <br />PUBLIC WORKS <br />Substandard Residential Driveways <br />§12.13.100 GENERAL. It shall be the policy of this City Council to encourage property owners <br />to upgrade substandard residential driveways whenever City streets are reconstructed. <br />&12.13.200 AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTER POLICY. The City Engineer shall have the sole <br />discretion to determine if driveways are substandard or not and therefore if property owners are <br />eligible to benefit from this cost share policy. <br />§12.13.300 SUBSTANDARD RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY POLICY. The cost of <br />replacement of substandard driveways will be on an equal share basis between the City and <br />property owner. The property owner will be given the option to pay one-half the cost of the <br />driveway replacement upon completion of the work. Property owners also have the option of <br />deferring payment to the City for up to one year after completion. After the first year payments can <br />be made over a period of five years with an annual interest rate of 6%. Qualifying low-income <br />property owners may be eligible to receive grant funds, if available. Property owner participation <br />in the City's program to upgrade substandard residential driveways shall be on a voluntary basis. <br />&12.13.400 PROCESS. Whenever the City undertakes the reconstruction of a residential street, <br />property owners will be given notice of work to be performed and potential grading impacts on <br />existing substandard driveways. <br />Property owners will be advised that following the completion of the reconstruction street work, <br />property owners with substandard driveways will no longer be allowed to use appurtenances of any <br />type (e.g., wood, concrete, or metal ramps) to adjust for grade differences between the street and <br />substandard residential driveways. This finding is necessary to minimize the water damage that <br />occurs to the street due to such appurtenances. <br />2-20-01 <br />