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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 12 PUBLIC WORKS <br />Chapter 5 Uniform Wastewater Discharge <br />Regulations <br />(d) Applications for the Pretreatment Permit will be kept on file by the City. <br />Major Contributing Users shall be issued a permit upon completion of the <br />application. <br />(e) Upon receipt of the completed application, City staff will schedule an <br />inspection of each applicant's facility. This will verify and complete the <br />information provided on the application. <br />(f) Upon issuance or renewal of the permit, a permit fee as set forth in San <br />Leandro Administrative Code Section 6.4.100, on file with the City Clerk <br />and incorporated herein by this reference, shall be charged. <br />(g) A condition of any Pretreatment Permit shall be the requirement that the <br />permittee pre-treat the wastewater to acceptable limits for conventional <br />pollutants and to specified concentration for conservative pollutants, as <br />described in applicable Federal, State and/or City regulations. <br />03-OS-O1 <br />