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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 12 <br />Chapter 5 <br />PUBLIC WORKS <br />Uniform Wastewater Discharge <br />Regulations <br />12.5.115: CONNECTION FEES. <br />(a) Any person (whether a new or existing user) who installs new or <br />additional fixtures, equipment, processes or devices, including provisions <br />for future installation, which will add (either in fact or potential) <br />wastewater load to the sanitary sewer system shall pay to the City a <br />"Connection Fee" as determined by the conditions and formula hereinafter <br />enumerated. No plumbing permit shall be issued nor shall any connection <br />be made to the sanitary sewer system until the applicable connection fee <br />has been paid. <br />(b) The connection fee for residential dwelling units shall be the appropriate <br />unit cost as shown below. - <br />Dwelling Unit Effective July 1, 1998 <br />Single-Family $1,036.00 <br />Multiple-Family 846.00 per unit <br />The connection fee for converting an existing apartment building to <br />condominium units shall be $148.00 per unit. Non-residential users shall <br />be assessed connection fees based on the estimated average day of their <br />peak month discharge according to the unit cost schedule shown below, <br />but in no case shall the fee for a new connection be less than the single- <br />family Residential discharge equivalency. <br />Treatment Effective <br />Parameter Billing Unit July 1, 1998 Unit Cost <br />Volume Gallons Per Day $ 5.30 <br />BOD Pounds Per Day 277.20 <br />SS Pounds Per Day 299.30 <br />(c) A connection fee adjustment shall be made at the end of one year of <br />service for all non-residential users to reflect the actual wastewater <br />discharge based on monitored wastewater discharged or metered water <br />usage adjusted for volume not discharged to the sanitary sewer system. If <br />the estimated wastewater discharge is low, an additional connection fee <br />03-OS-Ol <br />