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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO SHORELINE <br />MARSHLANDS <br />ONGOING BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT <br />SERVICES <br />The text below identifies a total of four tasks. The first two involve developing a coordinated <br />approach with adjacent Citation Marsh, in order to gain efficiencies and maximum marsh <br />effectiveness. The descriptions for Tasks 1 and 2 are therefore subject to refinement, since they <br />depend on the results of future consultation with LSA. However, we are confident of the overall <br />level of ESA effort estimated for these tasks as provided in the spreadsheet. <br />Tasks 3 ESA would undertake on its own, and are described in considerably more detail.. Task 4 <br />proposes the development of an "operations" manual for the marshlands as a whole and includes <br />a general category of services such as advising on regulatory agency issues, tide gate operations, <br />and help with public outreach and interpretation. <br />A spreadsheet for all tasks is attached. Since we are entering a new phase of our relationship <br />with the City for this project, we have not generated amulti-year program, as we had in the past. <br />We anticipate that we could continue to provide similar services at about the same annual costs <br />over a longer period, if the City so desires. <br />TASK 1: COORDINATE MONITORING WITH LSA <br />E5A will meet with City and LSA staff to review the monitoring program for both areas <br />and determine coordinated actions which will enhance data gathering and operational <br />efficiency. <br />TASK 2: IMPLEMENT NEW MONITORING PROTOCOL <br />We assume that SLSM/Citation Marsh operations will involve a similar level of effort <br />as our previous work in vegetation monitoring, although the techniques and data <br />analysis will change somewhat as the two monitoring approaches are reconciled.. <br />San Leandro Shoreline Marshlands I ENVIRC)NMFNTAL SC1T'NC~ ASSOCIATES <br />Ongoing Biological Assessment And Management Services Submitted Uate: 1)ecembar 12, 2000 <br />