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TASK 4: "OPERATIONS MANUAL" AND ON-CALL SERVICES <br />As the SLSM and its associated areas (the Citation Marsh) evolve from a regulatory <br />compliance exercise to fully functioning, permanent city amenities, acheck-list of <br />necessary monitoring activities and explicit responses would be a useful format for a <br />guide to future managers of the area. The marshlands comprise a complex and multi- <br />faceted program that combines ecology and hydrology with marina maintenance, <br />endangered species protection and public recreation. The continuity of City staff <br />cannot be assured, and there should be a central set of procedures that are explained in <br />sufficient detail so that any competent manager can implement them to ensure the <br />proper performance of the many aspects of the program. <br />Beginning with check list, ESA would create an "Operations Manual" for SLSM. <br />Additional information on contingency planning, roles and responsibilities, contact <br />phone numbers, and even accounting and reporting procedures would be provided in a <br />clear, straightforward text. Where appropriate, the Operations Manual would reference <br />back to the other documents, regulatory and analytical, that have been prepared for the <br />project(s). <br />Lastly, since the beginning of our involvement with SLSM, we have provided the City <br />with a variety of services not directly related to our assigned tasks, e.g. examining <br />ground squirrel densities, responding to public comments on the marsh, and monitoring <br />tide gate settings. Under Task 4, we would continue these services on a time-and <br />materials basis. One area of expanded function we had discussed. with the City was to <br />develop an interpretive program for the marsh, including determining sign locations and <br />themes, preparing an educational videotape for local schools, and leading "docent"-type <br />tours. <br />San Leandro Shoreline Marshlands 4 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATES <br />Ongoing Biological Assessment And Managcmenl Services Submitlul f]ale: f,)ecember 17, 2000 <br />