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Agreement and may be exercised in the manner and according to <br />the method provided in this Agreement. A11 such powers common <br />to the parties are specified as powers of the Authority: The <br />Authority is hereby authorized to do all acts necessary for <br />the exercise of such powers, including, but not limited to, <br />any or all of the following: to make and enter into <br />contracts; to employ agents and employees; to acquire, <br />construct, provide for maintenance and operation of, or <br />maintain and operate, any buildings, works or improvements; to <br />acquire., hold or dispose of. property wherever located; to <br />incur debts, liabilities or obligations; to receive .gifts, <br />contributions and donations of property, funds, services and <br />other forms of assistance from persons, firms, corporations <br />and any governmental entity; to sue and be sued in its own <br />name; and generally to do any and all things necessary or <br />convenient to the promotion of economic development, including <br />without limitation the promotion of opportunities for 'the <br />creation or retention of employment, the stimulation of <br />economic activity, and the increase of the tar base, all as <br />herein contemplated. without limiting the generality of the <br />foregoing, the Authority may issue or cause to be issued <br />bonded and other indebtedness, and pledge any property or <br />revenues as security to the eztent permitted under the Joint <br />Exercise of Powers Act, including Article 2 and Article 4, the <br />Act or any other applicable provision of law. <br />The manner in which .the Authority shall exercise its. <br />powers and perform its duties is and shall be subject to the <br />restrictions upon the manner in which a California county <br />could exercise such powers and perform such duties until a <br />California general law city shall become a Program <br />Participant, at which time it shall be subject to the <br />restrictions upon the manner in which a California general law <br />city could exercise such powers and perform such duties. The <br />manner in which the Authority shall exercise its powers and <br />perform its duties shall not be subject to any restrictions <br />applicable to the manner in which any other public agency <br />could exercise such powers or perform such duties, whether <br />such agency is a party to this Agreement or not. <br />Section 5. Fiscal Year. <br />For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Fiscal <br />Year" shall mean the fiscal year as established from time to <br />time by the Authority, being, at the date of this Agreement, <br />the period from July 1 to and including the following June 30, <br />except for the first Fiscal Year which shall be the period <br />from the date of this Agreement to June 30, 1988. <br />7 <br />Z7Qh~ <br />