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to reimburse the Reimbursement Expenditures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this resolution does not <br />bind the Issuer to make any expenditure, incur any indebtedness, or proceed with the financing of the <br />Project. <br />Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the California Statewide Communities Development <br />Authority this 23rd day of January, 2001. <br />* ~ <br />The undersigned, a duly appointed and qualified Member of the Commission of the California <br />Statewide Communities Development Authority, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that the .foregoing <br />resolution was duly adopted by the Commission of the Issuer at a duly called meeting of the Commission <br />of the Issuer accordance.with law on January 23, 2001. <br />Member of the Commission <br />California Statewide Communities <br />Development Authority <br />GSCDA-BOIDB-DD-INUUCERES (8/9'n -3 <br />