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Reso 2001-067
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2001-067
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8/16/2010 9:31:18 AM
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7/14/2010 3:21:37 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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(b) The grantee's policy of maintaining adrug-free work- <br />place; <br />(c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and <br />employee assistance programs; and <br />(d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for <br />drug-abuse violations occurring in the workplace; <br />(iii) Making it a requirement that each employee to be <br />engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of <br />the statement required by paragraph (i); <br />(iv) Notifying the employee in the statement required by <br />paragraph (i) that, as a condition of employment under the <br />grant, the employee will - <br />(a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and <br />(b) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction <br />for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the <br />workplace no later than five calendar days after such con- <br />viction; <br />(v) Notifying the agency, in writing, within 10 calendar <br />days after receiving notice under subparagraph (iv)(b) <br />from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of <br />such conviction. Employers of convicted employees <br />must provide notice, including position title, to: COPS <br />Office, 1100 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20530. <br />Notice shall include the identification number(s) of each <br />affected grant; <br />(vi) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calen- <br />dar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (iv) (b), <br />with respect to any employee who is so convicted - <br />(a) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an <br />employee, up to and including termination, consistent <br />with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, <br />as amended; or <br />(b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily <br />in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program <br />approved for such purposes by a Federal, state or local <br />health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency; <br />(vii) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain <br />adrug-free workplace through implementation of para- <br />graphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi). <br />B. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the <br />site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with <br />the specific grant: <br />Place of performance (street address, city, county, <br />state, zip code) <br />Check O if there are workplaces on file that are not <br />identified here. <br />Section 67.630 of the regulations provides that a <br />grantee that is a state may elect to make one certifica- <br />tion in each Federal fiscal year, a copy of which <br />should be included with each application for <br />Department of Justice funding. States and state agen- <br />cies may elect to use OJP Form 4061/7. <br />Check O if the state has elected to complete OJP <br />Form 4061/7. <br />4. Coordination <br />The Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing <br />Act of 1994 requires applicants to certify that there has <br />been appropriate coordination with all. agencies that <br />may be affected by the applicant's grant proposal if <br />approved. Affected agencies may include, among oth- <br />ers, the Office of the United States Attorney, state or <br />local prosecutors, or correctional agencies. The applicant <br />certifies that there has been appropriate coordination <br />with all affected agencies. <br />5. Non-Supplanting <br />The applicant hereby certifies that Federal funds will <br />not be used to replace or supplant state or local funds, <br />or funds supplied by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, that <br />would, in the absence of Federal aid, be made available <br />to or for law enforcement purposes. <br />6. Retention <br />The applicant hereby certifies that it understands that it <br />must abide by its submitted plan to retain the additional <br />civilian positions and redeployment'levels for at least <br />one locally set budget cycle at the conclusion of the <br />grant period. <br />Grantee Name and Address: Clty of San Leandro, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro CA 94577 <br />2001 94-6000421 <br />Application No. and/or Project Name: ~ n SC h 001 s Grantee IRS/ Vendor Number: <br />Typed Nam'e~an'~d~Title Law Enforcement Executive: Kitchen Chief 0 f P O 1 1 C e <br />Signature: •.~> Date: ~ Z4' <br />As the duly authorized representative of the governing body, I hereby certify that the I am binding the governing body to the <br />above certifications, including the plan to retain. Elections ofnew officials will not relieve the governing body ofits obliga- <br />tions under this grant <br />Typed Name and Title of Government Executive: ~0hn Jerman 15 , City Manager <br />Signature: W..vnN .... _ . • y_ Date• ~ ~~ ~ O <br />
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