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Department Name: San Leandro Pol 1Ce DepartmBnt ORI Code (Assigned by FBI): CA0011200 <br />Part 3: COPS in Schools Grant Program -Budget Summary <br />After completing Part 1 and/or Part 2 of this form, answer the following questions. If necessary, attach an explanation of how you computed salaries and benefits for the <br />worksheet. Be sure to answer EVERY question. Missing or erroneous information can greatly slow the grant-making process. <br />1. If your department's second- and third-year costs for salaries and/or benefits are greater than the first year, check the reason(s) why in the space below: <br />l~lj(Cost of living adjustment (COLA) O Step raises O Changes in benefit costs O Other (attach an explanation) <br />0 <br />2. Please enter the name of your Federal Cognizant Agency in the space provided: <br />(State and municipal agencies that receive Federal grants are required to have audits of those grants forwarded to a singib ~elecy Qustice, HUD, <br />HHS, Transportation, etc.). The single Federal agency where such audits are sent is known as your "Cognizant Federal Agencass's~isTsnce in determin- <br />ing which Federal agency receives your audits, call 1-800-421-6770.) <br />3. Starting date of your fiscal year: li i 1 ~~ , inn ~ Ending date: ,Jlir~P 30 , ~nn~ <br />Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year <br />4. IF NO FUNDS WERE BUDGETED FOR FICA, (SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE), WORKER'S COMPENSATION OR UNEMPLOYMENT <br />MUST PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION IN THE SPACE PROVIDED: <br />Worker's Compensation and Unemployment are paid by the City of San Leandro and are not calculated <br />into individual employee salaries <br />~Ol <br />Page 5 <br />