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All COPS in Schools awards will contain an "Additional Grant Condition" that must be signed and returned to the <br />COPS Office. This grant condition is contained in the award package and requires the officer(s) deployed into the <br />School Resource Officer position(s) and the individual designated as the School Representative under the grant <br />program to attend a COPS in Schools Training. The COPS Office will reimburse grantees for training, per diem, <br />travel and lodging for attendance of required participants up to the maximum of $1,100 per person attending. All <br />awarded applicants will receive additional information on these trainings after the official notification of the grant <br />award. <br />IV. General Information <br />Has your jurisdiction received other COPS grants? ~ Yes <br />If "yes," under which program(s)? (Choose all that apply.) <br />~ COPS Phase I ^ COPS AHEAD <br />^ COPS MORE ^Universal Hiring Program <br />^ Anti-Gang Initiative/Youth Firearms Violence Initiative <br />^ Community Policing to Combat Domestic Violence <br />^ Problem-Solving Partnerships <br />^ Regional Community Policing Institutes <br />^ Small Communities Grant Program <br />^ CICP <br />^ Other (please specify): <br />^ No <br />^ COPS FAST <br />^ Troops to COPS <br />^ COPS in Schools <br />^ Police Corps <br />^ School-Based Partnerships <br />^ Tribal Resources Grant Program <br />~1 Technology <br />What is the total number of new officer positions for which you are now applying? Do not include officer <br />positions funded under any other COPS grants. <br />Full-time: 1 Part-time: 0 <br />Total amount of Federal funds requested for all full-time and part-time officers: $ ~2~ nnn <br />Total non-Federal matching funds required (local share): $ <br />[To answer these questions, complete the budget section for one officer and then multiply by the number of requested officers listed above.] <br />Population served as of 2000 U.S. Census: 79.600 and square miles covered: 15 <br />Note: If numbers from the 2000 U.S. Census are not yet available to you, please use 1990 U.S. Census figures. <br />[Exclude the population and square miles primarily served by other law enforcement agencies within your jurisdiction. For example, sheriffs <br />departments must exclude populations and areas covered by a city police department for which the sheriffs department has no primary law <br />enforcement authority.] <br />Current budgeted locally-funded sworn force strength as of February 1, 2001: <br />Full-time officers: 9.4 Part-time officers: ~ <br />[Include all state or locally funded officer positions budgeted as of this time. Do not include any COPS funded officers in this number.] <br />Actual locally-funded sworn force strength as of February 1, 2001: <br />Full-time officers: 92 Part-time officers: 0 <br />[Do not include state or locally funded vacancies, COPS funded positions, or reserve positions.] <br />COPS in Schools Application form a <br />