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Agmt 2001 Montgomery Watson Americas Inc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2001 Montgomery Watson Americas Inc
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7/14/2010 3:43:59 PM
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7/14/2010 3:38:33 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2001-074
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2001
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Contractor's Construction Management Manual to supplement City procedures. CONTRACTOR <br />will prepare a brief project-specific Construction Management Plan containing the specific <br />procedures to be followed for this project within 1 week after the City's Notice to Proceed. This <br />will include chain of command and the roles and responsibilities for all project team members. It <br />will also define the project tracking and reporting procedures. In addition to the Resident <br />Engineer's daily construction progress reports, CONTRACTOR will prepare a brief Monthly <br />Construction Status Report. <br />3) Preconstruction Services. The City will advertise the project, respond to and log <br />bidders questions, and distribute addenda. (CONTRACTOR will assist the City in preparing <br />addenda.) CONTRACTOR will assist the City in conducting apre-bid meeting. The City will <br />receive and open bids. CONTRACTOR will also assist the City in performing reference <br />checking for the low and next lowest bidder. The City will handle any bid protests or legal <br />matters related to the bid. <br />4) Preconstruction Conference. CONTRACTOR shall attend the preconstruction <br />conference using City's agenda that will address project administration and reporting procedures, <br />team roles and responsibilities, and other procedures to ensure a responsive project. As <br />appropriate partnering principles will be discussed to facilitate problem resolution and typed <br />meeting minutes will be prepared and distributed by CONTRACTOR. <br />5) Continuous Construction Inspection. CONTRACTOR shall be on-site at all times <br />when construction activities are in progress. CONTRACTOR shall document the construction <br />contractor's daily work activities, including any extra work performed, through preparation of <br />daily construction reports and logs. Logs will include compaction and concrete strength testing <br />records and manhole and pipeline testing records. Still digital photos and video records will be <br />taken of work progress to document the construction contractor's work. All hard copy photos <br />will be annotated and stored in plastic sleeves in three ring binders. Digital photo images will be <br />stored on media mutually agreed upon and located at City. Deficient work will be identified, <br />tracked and corrected using CONTRACTOR's advisory notices and non-compliance reporting <br />systems. Any uncompleted items will be included on preliminary or final punchlists. <br />To supplement the on-site staffs' capabilities, CONTRACTOR will perform periodic specialty <br />inspection for structural engineering'and periodic site visits to assist in field problem resolution. <br />A total of seven visits outside the regularly scheduled weekly meetings are budgeted. <br />CONTRACTOR shall provide City with 24 hour emergency contact telephone number for all <br />field and Construction Management personnel. <br />6) Submittal Review. CONTRACTOR shall provide software and train City staff on the <br />use of CS2 document tracking software. Using computerized document tracking software, <br />CONTRACTOR will log in, track and process all submittals including shop drawings, catalog <br />cuts and other items. CONTRACTOR will review each submittal for general conformance to the <br />contract documents requirements and will stamp and sign each submittal package indicating the <br />review status. Comments will be clearly marked on the submittals. The submittals will then be <br />EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 6 <br />AGRE\EXHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />
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