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adequate space, and that the cabinets have adequate room for fiber termination panels, <br />transceivers and power supplies. DKS engineering staff will preliminarily identify the pole <br />location to install the CCTV cameras in the field, and will coordinate with City staff to utilize <br />a bucket truck to verify the preferred location for the installation of the camera. DKS staff <br />will document our recommended location for the CCTV camera and obtain City approval. <br />Deliverables: Base maps in hard copy and electronic (AutoCAD) formats. Hand-drawn <br />sketches of recommended locations of CCTV elements. <br />Task 2: Prepare PS&E Documents ($13,700) <br />DKS engineering staff will prepare the PS&E documents for the installation of fiber cable, <br />conduit, pull boxes, and all related interconnect hardware. DKS engineering staff will prepare <br />base drawings from the City's GIS aerial maps, which will be provided by the City. Where <br />installations are proposed underground, we will show underground utilities on the plans. <br />DKS engineering staff will contact the serving utility companies for this information. <br />Additionally, we will coordinate with the City on attaining any necessary "as-builts" or design <br />plans for traffic signals along the route. <br />The PS&E will include the following: <br />1. Replacement of existing No. 5 pull boxes with No. 6 or fiber optic boxes, if necessary. <br />2. Provisions for the placement of a CCTV camera on an existing or new pole. <br />3. Preparation of a fiber splice diagram for splices into each controller cabinet and at <br />locations for connections to City Hall and also to other roadways or City Facilities. <br />4. Details for installing fiber into the cabinets for the interconnection of the signals. <br />5. Preparation of the technical specifications for the fiber and interconnect hardware. <br />Exhibit A Page 2 of 4 <br />DKS Associates <br />