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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />1. The term of this Agreement shall be until all Community Development Block Grant <br />(CDBG) funds authorized by this Agreement are expended or this Agreement is terminated. <br />2. The CDBG funds approved under this Agreement shall only be used in paying construction <br />related fees and Work to SAN LEANDRO BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB, 401 Marina <br />Boulevard, San Leandro, California. <br />3. The Recipient shall follow all provisions and keep all records set forth in Exhibit D and <br />Exhibit E of this Agreement. <br />4. The Recipient shall include the required provisions and language in all construction <br />contracts for Work on the "Property", signed during the term of this Agreement. <br />5. The Recipient shall request any changes to the list of Work or budget in writing. The City <br />Manager may approve requests at his discretion. <br />6. List of Work for which recipient may use CDBG funds: <br />• Replace the carpeting with carpet and the <br />• Replace check-in/ check-out counter <br />TOTAL $30,000.00 <br />7. Program Monitoring and Reporting <br />a) Contractor shall submit written quarterly reports to the City. The quarterly reports shall include, <br />but not be limited to, the following data elements: <br />i.) Title of program, listing of components, description of activities/operations. <br />Page 1 Of 2G:\DS\HOPE\SAN LEANDRO BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB AGMT.(CIP)FY 2001-2002.doc <br />