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Reso 2001-126
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2001-126
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7/15/2010 11:25:16 AM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 10 <br />Chapter 7 <br />HUMAN RESOURCES <br />POLICY FOR EMPLOYEE COMPUTER <br />PURCHASE PROGRAM <br />&10.7.125: LOAN REPAYMENT <br />Loan repayment will be made through payroll deductions on a semimonthly basis and will start <br />on the first paycheck after payment to the vendor is made. The maximum repayment schedule is <br />48 pay periods (2 years). The minimum payment will be $20.00 per pay period. If a Program <br />Participant terminates employment with the City before the loan is paid in full, the remaining <br />balance will be deducted from the Participant's final paycheck (including wages, accrued sick <br />leave, accrued vacation payoff, and for any other compensation available). The obligation owed <br />to the City will have first priority over any other paycheck deductions. If the Program <br />Participant's paycheck is insufficient to repay the loan in full, the City will issue to the Program <br />Participant an invoice for the remaining amount, payable in full within fifteen (15) working days. <br />&10.7.130: AGREEMENT <br />A written agreement between the City and the Program Participant is required. The loan <br />agreement will outline the responsibilities of the Participant, terms of the agreement, payroll <br />deduction arrangements, and other conditions of the plan. <br />&10.7.135: LIMITATIONS <br />Loans will be made to Participants on a lottery-type basis until the loan pool is depleted. As <br />funds become available through loan repayments, additional loans will be processed from afirst- <br />come, first-served waiting list. Lottery and waiting list positions may not be purchased or <br />swapped between Participants. After notification of eligibility, applicants will have two (2) <br />weeks to make purchase decisions. If no decision is reached within two (2) weeks, the applicant <br />will be dropped off the list or will be placed at the bottom of the list. <br />X10.7.140: MAXIMUM PARTICIPATION <br />The total amount outstanding to all Participants under this program at any given time will be <br />$234,000 or less. This program maybe suspended at any time at the discretion of the City. <br />&10.7.145: RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT <br />Each Participant in the plan agrees that the equipment and software made available under this <br />plan will be restricted to the Participant's own use and that of his or her immediate family. Any <br />reassignment or transfer of the equipment violates the agreement, cancels the right to participate <br />in the plan, and requires immediate payoff of any outstanding loan balance. The Participant <br />agrees to .maintain the equipment in good working order during the term of the loan. <br />&10.7.150: INSURANCE <br />Participants in this plan must ensure that their home or renter's insurance policy provides <br />adequate protection of their equipment. The City will not assume any liability for damage or <br />theft of equipment or software. <br />07-16-01 2 <br />
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