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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 10 <br />Chapter 7 <br />HUMAN RESOURCES <br />POLICY FOR EMPLOYEE COMPUTER <br />PURCHASE PROGRAM <br />Mail order systems must be pre-approved. Game software (not bundled with the system or <br />multimedia package) or gaming peripherals, such as joysticks or control paddles, must be <br />purchased outside of this plan. <br />&10.7.165: SPECIAL ORDERS <br />Although this program is designed to encourage the use of the previously listed equipment <br />configuration, in some cases there may be a special need for equipment that is not included on <br />the City's list. The City will consider special equipment orders on a case-by-case basis. The <br />criteria for approval will focus on whether the proposed special purchase will improve the <br />Participant's computer literacy skills as they. pertain to work. (Participants who have moderate <br />functional computer skills but not technical skills should consider the problem of debugging <br />hardware glitches of special equipment. If the Participant has ample technical help at home, this <br />may not be a problem; if not, the City strongly encourages the use of the standard equipment <br />configurations.) If approved, the Participant will be offered the same benefits and terms as the <br />standard program. <br />&10.7.170: OTHER CONDITIONS <br />The City will not act as the primary consultant or be responsible for making system <br />recommendations for acquisition. The City will not be responsible for troubleshooting or fixing <br />system bugs, breakdowns, or problems. The City will not provide training specifically for home <br />computer use. The City loan will cover only state sales tax; any portion of sales tax above the <br />state tax will be the Participant's responsibility. Proof of sales tax paid MUST be provided for all <br />purchases, even for out-of--state mail-order purchases. <br />07-16-01 4 <br />