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Reso 2001-126
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2001-126
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7/15/2010 11:25:16 AM
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7/15/2010 11:25:15 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />POLICY FOR EMPLOYEE. COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM <br />OBJECTIVE: <br />The objective of the Employee Computer Purchase Program (EPCC) is to elevate the computer <br />literacy of regular (permanent) full- or part-time City Employees and City Council members (the <br />"Program Participants") through encouraging the purchase and use of home computers and <br />software. <br />PHILOSOPHY: <br />The philosophy is that, if Program Participants can more readily purchase computer equipment <br />for home use, they will use the equipment more frequently. Many people learn more easily and <br />effectively in a more relaxed environment, and home computers will allow Program Participants <br />to practice and explore without impeding their normal workload. Program Participants will <br />become more adept at the use of City-compatible hardware and software, thereby improving <br />valuable computer skills and work productivity. <br />ELIGIBILITY: <br />All regular (permanent) full- or part-time City employees who have completed their initial <br />probationary period and City Council members are eligible for a loan under the program. <br />Program Participants must agree to comply with the requirements and provisions of the plan. <br />Program Participants are eligible to finance acquisition of only one computer every three years. <br />Program Participants will be eligible to finance upgrades to their existing system and additional <br />software through this plan at any time. <br />LOAN LIMITS: <br />Each Program Participant is eligible to borrow, interest free, a maximum of $3,000.00. The <br />minimum amount of a loan will be $500.00. The loan balance cannot exceed $3,000 for one <br />individual at any time. Once a loan is initiated by a Program Participant, that Participant may not <br />re-enter the purchase program for three (3) years. For a purchase over $3,000, the Program <br />Participant is responsible for the cost difference, payable directly to the vendor. <br />LOAN REPAYMENT: <br />Loan repayment will be made through payroll deductions on a semimonthly basis and will start <br />on the first paycheck after payment to the vendor is made. The maximum repayment schedule is <br />48 pay periods (2 years). The minimum payment will be $20.00 per pay period. If a Program <br />Participant terminates employment with the City before the loan is paid in full, the remaining <br />balance will be deducted from the Participant's final paycheck (including wages, accrued sick <br />leave, accrued vacation payoff, and for any other compensation available). The obligation owed <br />to the City will have first priority over any other paycheck deductions. If the Program <br />Participant's paycheck is insufficient to repay the loan in full, the City will issue to the Program <br />Participant an invoice for the remaining amount, payable in full within fifteen (15) working days. <br />07-16-01 7 <br />
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