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_niilu:,. ,~ <br />Page 1or3 <br />City of San Leandro <br />County of Alameda <br />RIGHT OF WAY VACATION <br />Legal description <br />Portion ofPreda Street <br />Real property situate in the City of San Leanaro, County ofAlameda, State of California, being <br />all of that parcel described to the City of San Leandro in Resolution 2587 recorded on February <br />25, 1955 in Book 7579 at Page 223 and all of that parcel described to the City of San Leandro in <br />Resolution recorded on February 25, 1955 in Book 7579 at Page 229, a portion of the parcel <br />described to the City of San Leandro in Resolution 2589 recorded on February 25, 1955 recorded <br />in Book 7579 at Page 227, a portion of the parcel described to the City of San Leandro in <br />Resolution 2593 recorded on March 3, 1955 recorded in Book 7585 at Page 419, Official <br />Records of Alameda County and a portion of Preda Street (50 feet wide) as said street is shown <br />on Tract Map 6692, filed in Book 214 of Maps at Page 34, Alameda County Records, described <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at the most southerly corner of said parcel (Book 7579 at Page 223); thence along the <br />southwesterly Line of the last said parcel and continuing along the southwesterly line of said <br />parcels (Book 7579 at Page 229) and (Book 7579 at Pace 227), N.12°43'00"W., 383.53 feet; <br />thence leaving last said parcel, S.59°52'56"E., 68.18 feet to the northeasterly line of said parcel <br />Book 7585 at Page 419); thence along said northeasterly line 5.12°43'00"E., 332.52 feet to the <br />intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of the parcel described <br />in the deed to Sinz, recorded in Series No. 90-207672, Official Records ofAlameda County; <br />thence along last said prolongation 5.71°5747"W., 50.22 feet to the Point of Beginning. <br />Containing: 17,901 sq. ft. +/- <br />Reserving therefrom, a 30 feet wide public utility easement (P.L'.E} described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the northeasterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of the <br />parcel described in the deed to Sirz, recorded in Series No. 90-207672, Official Records of <br />Alameda County with the northeasterly line of said parcel (Book 7579 Page 223); thence along <br />the northeasterly line of last said parcel and continuing along the northeasterly Line of said parcel <br />(Book 7579 Page ?29} and continuing along the northeasterly Line of said parcel (Book 7579 <br />Page 227) N.12°43'00"W., 373.33 feet; thence 5.59°52'56"E., 40.91 feet to the southwesterly line <br />of said parcel (Book 7585 Page 419); thence along said southwesterly line to the intersection <br />with said northeasterly prolongation S.12°43'00"E., 342.72 feet; thence along said prolongation <br />S.71°57'47"W., 30.13 feet to the Point of Beginning. <br />Containing: 10,741 sq. ft. +/- <br />