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«~ <br />permitted as a result of the DDAs and the OPA will not have a significant effect on the <br />environment with incorporation of identified mitigation measures: <br />1) HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS <br />EFFECT: Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Assessments for the properties indicate <br />that the potential exists for underground fuel storage tanks to be located on the property, low <br />levels of pesticides have been detected in the groundwater, and that asbestos-containing <br />construction materials exist in many of the on-site buildings. Future uses on-site can be <br />expected to use and store potentially hazardous materials (related to servicing of automobiles). <br />MITIGATION: Site remediation plans shall be required for the McKevitt and Batarse Trust <br />sites, to be reviewed and approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Bay Area <br />Air Quality Management District, and the City's Environmental Manager. Groundwater <br />monitoring wells may be required in areas where contaminated groundwater has been found or <br />expected to occur. <br />FINDING: These changes have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project and <br />.will avoid potentially significant environmental impacts as identified in the Initial Study. <br />2) CULTURAL RESOURCES <br />EFFECT: Development of the Project site could result in impacts to unknown cultural <br />resources that may be encountered during the construction phase. <br />MITIGATION: In the event that archaeological, prehistoric or historic artifacts are <br />discovered during any construction or excavation, proper procedures, as prescribed in Sections <br />15064.5 and 15126.4 of the California Environmental Quality Act shall, be implemented. <br />FINDING: These changes have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project and <br />will avoid potentially significant environmental impacts as identified in the Initial Study. <br />Section 2. That the Initial Study and accompanying textual analysis, both of which are <br />incorporated by reference herein, have determined that no other potentially significant <br />environmental effects are attributable to this Project. <br />Section 3. The Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration received a 30-day public <br />review and comments on the document were received and are noted. <br />Section 4. That the City approves, as adequate, the Mitigated Negative Declaration for <br />the DDAs for 467, 505, 517, 559-575, 635, and 765 Marina Boulevard, and the OPA for 936 <br />Marina Boulevard. <br />Section 5. That pursuant to Public Resources Code § 21081.6, subdivision (d), all <br />records, materials and other documents constituting the record of proceedings are available <br />from the City Clerk's Office. <br />