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<br />- e~tt <br />• <br />a. Ph icall divide an established. com,,,,,n, X 2 <br />b. Costlier with any applicable land use plan, X 2 <br />policy, or regulation of an agency with <br />jurisdiction over the project (including, but not . <br />• limited to the general plan, specific plan, local <br />coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted <br />for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an ~ . <br />environmental effect? <br />c. Conflict with any applicable habitat X ~ 2 11 <br />conservation plan or nataral community <br />conservation lan7 ' <br />EXPLANATION: The project site is a `No Change" area as indicated in the General Plan. However, the General Plan states that <br />these areas were not envisioned to remain entirely static. It was anticipated that a range of proposals to replace, renew or modify <br />existing development would occur. This portion of Marina Boulevard (between I-880 and San Leandro Boulevard) includes a <br />mixture of older industrial and manufacturing uses, including small automotive repair, equipment manufacturing, food processing, <br />commercial retail uses such as fast food restaurants; newer retail development associated with the Marina Square shopping center; <br />and new car dealerships associated with the Marina Square Auto Mall. The property is zoned IG Industrial General with the S- <br />Special Review Overlay District The underlying IG zoning district and the S overlay district have been applied along a stretch of <br />Marina Boulevazd that has the potential for future development as part of the Marina Square Auto Mall. Both the existing General <br />Plan and the proposed General Plan anticipate that as older industrial uses cease, that the project area will likely be developed as an <br />expansion of the existing auto mall. Therefore the proposed project, which could lead to future development of automobile <br />dealerships and service centers, would be consistent with past policy direction and would eliminate potential land use conflicts. No <br />impacts related to lead use plans or conflicts with existing land uses are anticipated. In addition, because this area i8 currently <br />characterized as an area in transition, sad because any future development would be associated with the existing auto mall, the <br />project would not result in a physical division of the established community. There are no habitat conservation plans .in place in <br />'either the General Plan or Zoning Code, nor are there potentially significant habitats or conservation areas within the project area.' <br />Therefore, no.impacts to habitat/coaservation plans aze anticipated. <br />e. .o t: ,.. <br />• <br />a. Induce substantial population growth in an area X 2 <br />either directly (e.g., by proposing new homes . <br />and businesses) or indirectly (e.g. through <br />projects in an undeveloped azea or major <br />infia.structure ? <br />b. Displace substantial number of existing X' 2 <br />housing,, necessitating the construction of <br />r la.cement housin elsewhere? <br />c. Displace substantial numbers of people, X 2,11 <br />necessitating the construction of replacement <br />hone' elsewhere? <br />EXPLANATION: The project area. is already served by existing utility systems and public services. The project does'include public <br />improvements in the form of a new street, sidewalk, curb.and gutter. The new street would be end in a cul-de-sac at the southern end <br />and would only provide access to the properties on either side of it. (Any future extension of the roadway to provide access to <br />properties to the south would undergo its own environmental review.) This development is considered a re-uae of properties ah~eady <br />existing within an urban context, and an expansion of the existing auto mall. Therefore, potential impacts related to population <br />growth are considered less than. significant. Three residences exist on the project site, and are utilized in conjunction with the <br />commercial nursery operation. Records indicate that two of homes were in existence as early as 1917 (Sanborn Fire~Inaurance Map). <br />Due to their proximity to the elevated BART tracks and railroad tracks, and their association with the industrial uses, staff believes <br />that these homes are no longer viable as residences. due to.the high noise levels experienced. Therefore no impacts related to <br />displacement, of these housing units or people are anticipated. <br />~~. <br />, <br />a. Expose people or structures to potertial X 2, 6 <br />substantial adverse effects, including the risk <br />of loss, ' ' , or death involvin <br />2arina. Square Auto Mall Expansion 4 August 2001 <br />nitial Study Checklist <br />