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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: July 19, 2010 <br />TO: Stephen L. Hollister, City Manager <br />FROM: Uchenna Udemezue, Director`~w <br />Engineering and Transportatio Department <br />BY: Kenneth Joseph, City Engin er <br />Engineering and Transportation Department <br />SUBJECT PROJECT/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />Stephen L. Hollister <br />City Manager <br />RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT TO ANDES CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR <br />THE 2009 SEWER PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 09-593-52-211. <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends award of contract to the low bidder, Andes Construction Inc., in the amount of <br />$707,575 for the subject project. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In 1995, the City completed a comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Master Plan that identified sanitary <br />sewer system deficiencies throughout the city. Further sewer investigations and inspections <br />identified additional deficiencies in the City's sanitary sewer system. Using the information from <br />the Master Plan and the investigation and inspections, the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department compiled and categorized a list of sewer projects. <br />Sewer mains are located both in the public right of way and on private properties. Sewer <br />projects located in the right of way or with a high potential for failure were completed first. <br />Sewer lines located on private property required easements prior to addressing the remaining <br />sewer deficiencies. All of the easements needed for the project were obtained successfully. <br />Pipelines selected for improvement were evaluated by staff to determine the appropriate repair <br />method ranging from in-place rehabilitation to replacement. These improvements will increase <br />system reliability, reduce the frequency of required maintenance, and provide the access <br />necessary to allow for more efficient maintenance and a reduction in overall maintenance costs. <br />