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San Leandro Senior Center -Phase 2 <br />Acceptance of Work 3 July 19, 2010 <br />• On March 6, 2006 by Resolution No. 2006-022, the City Council approved a CSA with <br />Group 4 Architecture for completion of construction documents <br />• On July 2, 2007, by Resolution No. 2007-091, the City Council authorized the use of RDA <br />funds, approved the plans and specifications, and called for bids on Phase 1 of the project <br />• On September 4, 2007, by Resolution No. 2007-117, the City Council awarded the Phase 1 <br />construction contract to O. C. Jones <br />• On April 7, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-034, the City Council approved a grant of <br />easement with California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the placement of signal <br />equipment on the Senior Center parcel located at 13909 East 14~' Street <br />• On May 19, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-052, the City Council approved the plans and <br />specifications and called for bids on Phase 2 <br />• On July 28, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-095, the City Council approved the construction <br />contract with Alten Construction, Inc. and established a Cooperation Agreement between the <br />City of San Leandro and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro for the <br />purpose of undertaking Redevelopment activities within the Alameda County-City of San <br />Leandro Redevelopment Project area relating to the San Leandro Senior Community Center <br />• On September 15, 2008, by Resolutions No. 2008-117 and 2008-118, the City Council <br />awarded CSAs to Group 4 Architecture for construction administration services and to Cliff <br />Hammond Construction Inspection for special inspection services <br />• On October 6, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-125, the City Council awarded a contract to <br />Applied Materials and Engineering for materials testing and inspection services <br />City Council and/or Redevelopment Agency Committee Review and Action <br />• The Facilities Committee reviewed the conceptual plans for the site and building in 2003 <br />• The Facilities Committee reviewed the design contract and fee in February 2006 <br />• On February 28, 2007, the final conceptual exterior elevations, floor plan, and layout of the <br />Senior Center project were presented and approved by the Facilities Committee. Provisions <br />to allow the Senior Center to serve as an Emergency Operations Center during a state of <br />emergency was also approved <br />• Exterior elevations for the Phase 2 building improvements were approved by the Facilities <br />Committee in September 2007. Regular updates during the project design were presented to <br />the Senior Commission <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />• Policy 50.01--Access to senior services should be improved through planning, advocacy, and <br />the use of City resources to address identified needs <br />• Action 5.01-A Develop a Senior Center <br />