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GHAD, FY 2009-10 2 July 19, 2010 <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• Work Session to review GHAD proposal and options on February 14, 2000 <br />• Approved a resolution making the City subject to the California Public Resources Code, <br />which governs GHADs on June 5, 2000 <br />• Initiated the formation of the GHAD and set public hearing date of November 20, 2000 <br />• Approval of the annual report of the GHAD for Fiscal year 2003-04 on July 19, 2004 by <br />Resolution No. 2004-001 <br />• Approval of the annual report of the GHAD for Fiscal Year 2004-OS on July 18, 2005 by <br />Resolution No. 2005-01 <br />• Approval of the annual report of the GRAD for Fiscal Year 2005-06 on July 17, 2006 by <br />Resolution No. 2006-001 <br />• Approval of the annual report of the GRAD for Fiscal Year 2006-07 on July 16, 2007 by <br />Resolution No. 2007-001 <br />• Approval of the annual report of the GHAD for Fiscal Year 2007-08 on July 21, 2008 by <br />Resolution No. 2008-001 <br />• Approval of the annual report of the GHAD for Fiscal Year 2008-09 on July 20, 2009 by <br />Resolution No. 2009-001 <br />Fiscal Impact <br />• The following details the income and expenses of the GHAD funds for Fiscal Year 2009-10 <br />that ended on June 30, 2010: <br /> Income/Expenses (actual) <br />Beginning Fund Balance -July 1, 2009 Year-to-Date <br />INCOME <br />Allocation $33,905.03 <br />Income from Assessments $0.00 <br />Interest on Investments $0.00 <br />Other Income $0.00 <br />Sub Total -Sources of Funds $33,905.03 <br />Sub Total -Available Funds $33,905.03 <br /> <br />EXPENSES <br />Ma'or Re air Program $0.00 <br />Preventative Maintenance Program $2,856.70 <br />S ecial Pro'ects $0.00 <br />Administration $0.00 <br />Sub Total -Expenses $2,856.70 <br /> <br />End of Year Fund Balance -June 30, 2010 $31,048.33 <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends approval of the annual report of the GRAD for Fiscal Year 2009-10. <br />G:1_Admin\COUNCIL\2010\7 JUL 19\2 -GHAD Report - APPR\GHAD 2009 10 Report MEM.Doc <br />