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VI. ELIMINATION OF BLIGHT <br />The Yokota property is located on Marina Boulevard between Alvarado Street and San Leandro <br />Boulevard, centrally located within the city portion of the Joint Project Area. All of the property that <br />comprises the Site is currently used as a commercial nursery including buildings that are <br />scheduled to be demolished according the DDA. The Site suffers from poor visibility and access. <br />It is separated from San Leandro Boulevard, a major thoroughfare, by the elevated BART train <br />tracks, and bordered on the west by at-grade Union Pacific Railroad tracks. It is not visible from <br />Interstate 880, and thus presents little incentive for major investment. The combination of site <br />isolation, poor visibility, and multiple parcel assembly renders significant challenges for its <br />successful development. <br />The City and County, which established the Joint Project in 1993 to address problems of blight <br />such as those mentioned above, have recognized these challenges. The City and County are <br />aware that blight refers to physical, economic, and social conditions, as well as inadequate public <br />improvements, which impair private investment in the Project Area and burden the community at <br />large. Specifically in the Five-Year Implementation Plan (FY1999/00-FY2003/04), the City and <br />County have both established economic revitalization goals with objectives which include: <br />improving public area streetscape and infrastructure; developing vacant land for uses that support <br />other development; and assisting with land assembly where needed to ensure timely <br />redevelopment. <br />The San Leandro Redevelopment Agency has been actively involved on several fronts to instigate <br />the revitalization of the Joint Project Area, particularly around the project Site. Currently, the <br />Agency is in the process of widening the right of way of Marina Boulevard, on which the Site <br />fronts. Furthermore, the Agency selected the Developer to develop the Site as an automobile <br />dealership. <br />Thus, the Agency is entering into this agreement as the next logical step to .achieve its objectives <br />of removing blight, stimulating private investment and invigorating commercial activity in the Joint <br />Project Area. <br />Conley Consulting Group Page 9 of 10 <br />9-9 Volvo Lavery 33433 10200.003 v5 September, 2001 <br />