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IV. VALUE OF THE INTEREST TO BE CONVEYED <br />Reuse Value <br />The reuse value of the Site is directly a function of the specific Project and economics as specified <br />in the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The Agreement requires the Developer to develop <br />property for use as an automobile dealership. The Project's development cost is estimated at <br />approximately $9,157,467. <br />Given that the Project cannot receive financial assistance, as it would otherwise be subject to <br />Health & Safety Code Section 33436.7, the reuse value must be set equal or greater to the fair <br />market value of the Site. Therefore, the Agency will convey the Property to the Developer at a <br />price higher than the per SF price determined in the highest and best use appraisal of the Yokota <br />property, or $25.30 per SF. For the approximately 168,228 SF Site, the total purchase price <br />equals $4,256,168. Per the draft DDA, the Developer will pay the escrow and closing costs on <br />the transaction. <br />Estimated Value at Highest and Best Use <br />An appraisal was conducted on the Yokota property by Richard H. Burchard & Associates (RHBA) <br />to establish the Fair Market Value of the entire 8.942-acre site, a portion of which is to be sold to <br />the Developer for the construction of the Project. RHBA evaluated the highest and best use for <br />the property to be commercial development including automotive dealership, hotel, office or a <br />regional retail use. The appraisal assumed a valuation of the land if vacant for general commercial <br />development and included demolition costs for the existing nursery structures and residences. <br />Based on comparable sales of commercial land of similar size in the area, RHEA concluded that <br />the fair market value of the land at its highest and best use was $9.5 million for 389,514 SF, or <br />$24.49 per SF. Thus, the highest and best use value of the Site, which is to be sold to the <br />Developer through the DDA, is $4,119,904. <br />Conley Consulting Group Page 7 of 10 <br />9-9 Volvo Lavery 33433 10200.003 v5 September, 2001 <br />