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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The terms of this agreement shall be for the period of July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002, or <br />until all funds authorized by this agreement are expended. <br />The Contractor shall provide and carry out the following services and activities in support of <br />youth employment services as directed by the City of San Leandro: <br />1. Maintain a youth employment office at the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce. <br />2. Employ apart-time youth employment coordinator to perform Scope of Services. <br />3. Plan, Implement, and publicize quarterly student employment training programs. <br />4. Recruit and coordinate San Leandro businesses, organizations, or private individuals for the <br />purpose of providing student employment opportunities. <br />5. Work with other community agencies that are providing job placement, and/or, are a source <br />of potential placement. <br />6. Maintain an employment roster of student job seekers, their skills,. and abilities. <br />7. Provide intake and placement services to match students and potential employers in the <br />community. <br />8. Publicize and generate support for youth employment services with local businesses, <br />organizations, and local high schools. <br />9. Seek additional funding through Chamber of Commerce for in-kind service, or additional <br />financial support. <br />10. Keep City staff informed of outcome measures, statistics, status, and activities of the Youth <br />Employment Program through semi-annual reports relating to Scope of Services. <br />Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 <br />G:Contracts/Exhibit A <br />