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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1. UNDERSTANDING. The City plans to begin construction in October of 2001 for a new fire <br />station at 2194 Williams Street., San Leandro, CA. The building is to include wood roof <br />framing, CMU walls, a concrete slab on grade sub-floor, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing <br />systems. Site work includes new driveways, parking areas, landscaping, sidewalk, signage, fuel <br />storage, emergency generator, and site drainage. Plans and specifications for the project have <br />been prepared by CJW Architecture ("Architect"). The City plans to enter into contract with a <br />company experienced in construction ("General Contractor") who will furnish all labor, <br />materials, and equipment required to build the project. This contract is to provide special <br />inspection as required for the construction of the aforementioned improvements. Inspections <br />are to be performed as required by the plans and specifications, building department, and <br />project manager. <br />2. SCOPE OF WORK. <br />a. Provide inspection of reinforced concrete: Review mix design, and steel placement, provide <br />continuous inspection of structural concrete placement, provide concrete cylinder tests. <br />b. Provide inspection of structural masonry: Provide intermittent inspection of block <br />placement and continuous inspection of grout placement <br />c. Provide inspection of structural steel: Provide intermittent inspection of single pass fillet <br />welds, and continuous inspection of all other welds. <br />d. Provide inspection of nailing and framing <br />e. Provide written documentation of testing done or observations made for each field trip. <br />f. Provide final summary letter including statement of conformance with plans and <br />specifications. <br />3. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. <br />a. Job site work hours are Monday through Friday lam to 6pm, observations and inspections <br />will. be scheduled during these hours. Observations or inspections scheduled outside of <br />these hours shall be charged at an overtime rate of 1 % times the regular hourly rate, except <br />that work on Sundays and Holidays shall be charged at 2 times the regular hourly rate. <br />b. Contractor shall be given a written schedule of work, changes to the schedule shall be <br />issued at least 48 hours in advance of the work. <br />c. Contractor shall perform observation and inspections within 48 hours of request by City. <br />Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 <br />6/12/95 FIRE STATION 10 - WILLIAMS <br />