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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The following is the scope of work for the sculpture design, molding and installation services for the <br />Marina/Neptune Intersection Improvement project. The sculpture will be installed on an entry <br />monument, which is being constructed under a separate contract. The contractor shall therefore <br />coordinate the production of the sculpture to fit onto the entry monument. The contract will involve <br />the following three major phases: <br />PHASE 1-DESIGN DEVELOPMENT <br />Provide an additional conceptual schematics of the sculpture (minimum of 2) of an alternate <br />native birds in flight. Schematics shall be similar to that submitted for the proposal. <br />DELIVERABLES: <br />Sketches of sculpture shown in relationship to the monumenrt sign, in addition to that provided in <br />proposal. <br />PHASE 2 -THREE DIlVIENSIONAL ARTWORK <br />Provide a three dimensional model of the sculpture based on the option selected by the City from <br />Phase 1. Meet with City to review the prototype artwork. <br />DELIVERABLES: <br />A three dirnensional model of the sculpture. <br />PHASE 3 -SCULPTURE FOUNDRY AND INSTALLATION <br />1) Armature Development: Develop a six foot steel welded and mounted armature of the <br />sculpture in exact proportions of the prototype, scaled up to the final sculpture size of six feet <br />tall by four feet by five feet wide. Develop all necessary features of the water crests and birds, <br />including all necessary textures of bird feathers and water ripples, splashes and waves. <br />2) Sculpture Development: Develop full scale, six foot sculpture, built up with wire, aluminum <br />mesh and plaster, which is modeled out of clay in preparation to starting the process of <br />replication into bronze as described below. <br />3) Foundry Stage: Coordinate the work of the sculpture foundry with the foundry and City's <br />contractor for the Marina/Neptune Intersection Improvement Project. This includes arranging <br />with the foundry to produce the artwork and transporting the armature to the foundry <br />location. Prior to producing the final artwork in bronze, the contractor shall notify the City to <br />conduct final inspection of the wax positives. Contractor shall arrange, transport and install <br />the sculpture at the project site, which located at Marina Boulevard and Neptune Intersection, <br />in the City of San Leandro, California. <br />DELIVERABLES: <br />Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 <br />6/12/95 -Word 6.0 Marina. Entrance Improvements Construction <br />