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maybe presented by any member of the public or Commission with the consent <br />of the majority of the Commissioners present, and subject to any applicable legal <br />requirements including the Ralph M. Brown Act (Calif. Govt. Code §§54950 et <br />seq.). <br />§236.1.305 COMMUNICATIONS. Only such communications as shall require <br />action on the part of the Commission shall be included in the agenda. Copies of <br />all communications, requiring official action, shall be furnished all members of the <br />Commission four (4) days prior to the date set for the meeting. Later <br />communications shall .be treated as Special Items under Article III "Order of <br />Business", and shall be considered only upon approval of three-fourths (3/) of the <br />members of the Commission present. <br />ARTICLE IV -CONDUCT OF BUSINESS <br />§236.1.400 RULES. Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, except where <br />inconsistent with the express provisions of law or these Rules of Operation or <br />other resolutions of the Commission, shall govern the conduct of meetings of the <br />Commission. <br />§236.1.405 STATEMENT. A Commissioner may request through the <br />Chairperson the privilege of having an abstract of their statement on any subject <br />under consideration entered into the minutes, the Commissioner so requesting <br />shall furnish the Secretary with an abstract or transcript of his statement. <br />§236.1.410 CLOSE OF DEBATE. After a motion to close a discussion is <br />passed, no person shall address the Commission prior to disposition of the <br />motion. <br />§236.1.415 ADDRESSING COMMISSION. Each person addressing the <br />Commission shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the <br />records. They shall state whether they are appearing in a representative or <br />professional capacity, and shall state the name of the individual or organization <br />they are representing. Unless additional time is granted by majority consent of <br />the Commission, all remarks shall be limited to ten (10) minutes. All remarks <br />shall be addressed to the Commission as a body and not to any individual <br />member thereof. No person, other than members of the Commission and the <br />person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into. any discussion, either <br />directly or through a member of the Commission, except through .the <br />Chairperson. <br />4 <br />