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Application No. NA <br />APPENDIX E -(PART 1) <br />INITIAL STUDY <br />(ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM) <br />(T° be PreP~ Pursuant to San Leandro Administrative Code <br />§28.1.135(a)) <br />Date Filed December 23, 1999 <br />GENERAL INFORMATION <br />1. Name and address of developer or project sponsor._ American Baptist Homes of the West <br />ugarct Weitkamp), 6120 Stoneridge Mall Road, 3`~ Floor, Pleasanton, CA 94533 <br />2. Address of project: 232 East 14~' Street, San Leandro, California (area bounded by East 14'~ <br />Street, Broadmoor Blvd ,and Cambridge Avenue <br />Assessor's Block and Lot Number: 076-0273-027-02 <br />3. Name, address and telephone number of person to be contacted concerning this project: <br />Neusa R Pollard, Housing Specialist, City of San Leandro Development Services <br />Department, 835 E. 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 577-6002 <br />4. List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this <br />project, including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies: Building <br />Pest, Fading petinit, Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) <br />5• Existing zoning district: NA-2, North Area 2 (Neighborhoood Commercial) <br />Joint Alameda County-City of San Leandro Redv. Plan Land Use Designation: <br />Neighborhood Commercial <br />6. Description of Project: The proposal consists of acquisition of vacant property for the <br />development of a two- and three-story, senior apartment building The project will consist <br />of 60 apartment units (540 square feet each); multi-purpose room; a~dminishative offices, <br />lobby area and maintenance shop; lance grounds with garden plots, and parking for 60 <br />cars. The Criy's Redevelopment Agency intends to convey the property to American <br />Baptist Homes of the West (ABHOW),~ a non-profit housing developer ABHOW will be <br />the owner and developer of the senior housing facility <br />ABHOW Senior Housing (S-Part 1 <br />December 1999 <br />